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Office of Budget Staff Members
[Area Code 202] - (Business Hours 9:00 am to 5:30 pm, Eastern Time Zone)

Name Telephone No. Room No.
Director's Office
Pam Haze, Director 208-5308 4106
Deputy Director's Office
Carla Burzyk, Deputy Director 208-5308 4114
Abby Miller, Admin. Assistant 208-5308 4106
Nadine Ashcraft, Admin. Assistant 208-5415 4116
Kevin Towns, Admin. Assistant 208-4212 4106
Division of Budget Administration
Budget Administration Team
Dianne Shaughnessy, Chief 208-6851 4109
Bernice Bailes (FBMS Analyst) 208-3999 4111
Kai Newby (Web Site/Data Support Analyst) 208-4825 4012
Jan Smith (Receipts/FTE Analyst) 219-4255 4111
Michael Kelley (Guidance/FBMS/System Processing Analyst) 208-3995 44113
Tricia Hall (Appropriation Liaison/IG/SOL) 208-2511 4115
Office of the Secretary/Working Capital Fund Team
Kurt Hahn, Budget Officer 208-6441 4117
Brian Yost (PILT/Health and Safety Analyst/HR Analyst) 208-7409 4119
Carl Roberts (PMB Offices Analyst) 208-3305 4121
Margaret Kuyumjian (Office of the Secretary Analyst) 208-3996 4125
Maryanne Murillo (FBMS/PAM/Competitive Sourcing/IACB/NIGC) 208-5389 4121
Scott Otto (WCF Analyst) 513-0711 4123
Sherri Gudger (Office of Hearings and Appeals Analyst) 208-6648 4123
Thomas Krispinsky (CIO/Budget Analyst) 219-1867 4125
Division of Budget and Program Review
Mark Davis, Chief 208-4480 4118
Thomasina Hewlin, Admin Assistant 208-3078 4116
Bill Gordon (BLM Analyst) 208-7905 4128
Cindy Ryberg (FWS Analyst) 208-6977 4130
Daniel Wright (OST/BIA Analyst) 208-6316 4132
David Roberts (USGS/IA Analyst) 208-3287 4127
Elizabeth Hardy (BIA Analyst) 482-6498 4132
Gary Weitzner (BOR Analyst) 208-4024 4129
Kathy Lawson (NPS Analyst) 208-3564 4127
Patrick Joos (FWS Analyst) 208-6977 4124
Rita Jankovich (LWCF and Construction Analyst) 208-4967 4136
Tonya Jackson (NPS Analyst) 208-3303 4126
Office of Budget Contractor(s)
Bill Howell, (PILT) 208-3157 4012
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