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Chapter 4: I need more information!

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Links and References

National pedestrian and bicycle clearinghouses

Pedestrian and Bicycle Information Center (PBIC)

The Pedestrian and Bicycle Information Center (initiated and funded by the U.S. Department of Transportation's Federal Highway Administration) hosts several Web sites (,,, and that contain comprehensive information on walking and bicycling issues, and resources for community members and professionals to improve conditions for walking and biking. or 877-925-5245

Active Living by Design (ALBD)

The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation's Active Living by Design (ALBD) program has become a model for establishing community partnerships for active living. The ALBD Resource Center ( provides technical assistance to create active communities. or 919-843-ALBD (2523)

National Center for Bicycling and Walking (NCBW)

The National Center for Bicycling and Walking provides bicycle and pedestrian advocates and professionals, transportation engineers and planners, public health specialists, and others with easy access to the information, training, tools, and experts they need to foster active living through community design. or 301-656-4220

National Center for Safe Routes to School (NCSRTS)

The National Center for Safe Routes to School aims to assist communities in developing successful Safe Routes programs and strategies. The Center offers information on how to start and sustain a Safe Routes to School program, case studies of successful programs, as well as many other resources. or 866-610-SRTS

National transportation agencies

Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) Pedestrian and Bicycle Program

The Federal Highway Administration is charged with administering federal funds for transportation improvements, and providing technical assistance to localities implementing pedestrian and bicycle projects and programs. Three Offices in FHWA address pedestrian and bicyclist safety. The Office of Safety and the Office of Safety Research work together to develop tools and technologies to reduce the number of pedestrians and bicyclists killed and injured on our nation's roadways. The Pedestrian and Bicycle Program of FHWA's Office of Human and Natural Environment promotes bicycle and pedestrian transportation accessibility, use, and safety. The FHWA Pedestrian and Bicycle Program issues guidance and is responsible for overseeing that requirements in legislation are understood and met by the states and other implementing agencies. or 202-366-4077 or 202-493-3319 or 202-366-8044

National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA)

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration's mission is to save lives, prevent injuries, and reduce economic costs due to road traffic crashes through education, research, safety standards, and enforcement activity. The agency collects and publishes state and national crash data, including data on pedestrian and bicycle crashes. NHTSA administers funding to support programs developed and implemented by state traffic safety offices. They also distribute to the general public free educational information and publications focused on many areas of traffic safety, including bicycling, walking, and driving. NHTSA usually communicates through the traffic safety offices rather than directly with neighborhood residents. or 888-327-4236

National coalitions and alliances

America Walks

America Walks is a national coalition of local advocacy groups dedicated to promoting walkable communities and helping communities form advocacy groups. America Walks provides a support network for local pedestrian advocacy groups. The group offers advice about how to get started and how to be effective with public officials and engineering and design professionals. or 617-367-1170

Thunderhead Alliance

Thunderhead Alliance is a national coalition of state and local bicycle and pedestrian advocacy organizations. The group's mission is to create, strengthen and unite state and local bicycle and pedestrian advocacy organizations. or 928-541-9841

Safe Communities

Safe Communities, a project of the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, is a national organization dedicated to creating local community coalitions to prevent motor vehicle injuries, the leading cause of death for each age group from five through 27. As Safe Communities emphasizes, expanded partnerships with representatives of the business community, health community, and government agencies are an important step in creating community involvement to seek solutions. To find out if there is a Safe Communities Coalition in your community, contact your State Office of Traffic Safety. or 888-327-4236

Safe Kids

By working at a national level through grassroots community coalitions, Safe Kids, a campaign that aims to prevent the number one killer of children—unintentional injury—educates adults and children alike, provides safety devices to families in need, works to pass and strengthen laws to empower families and communities, and to protect children ages 14 and under. or 202-662-0600

Keep Kids Alive Drive 25®

A nonprofit organization founded in the summer of 1998, the Keep Kids Alive Drive 25® is a safety campaign targeting observance of the residential speed limit. In most towns and cities throughout the US, the residential speed limit is 25 mph. Thus the slogan, Keep Kids Alive Drive 25®. The campaign goal is to unite neighborhoods and communities throughout the US with a consistent message about safe driving. or 402-334-1391

Partnership for a Walkable America (PWA)

The goals of the Partnership for a Walkable America are to improve the conditions for walking in America and to increase the number of Americans who walk regularly. Members include national governmental agencies and nonprofit organizations concerned about three main areas: health, safety, and the environment. or 877-925-5245

Other safety organizations

National Safety Council (NSC)

The National Safety Council is a nonprofit, nongovernmental, international public service organization dedicated to protecting life and promoting health. NSC is a membership organization; members include more than 48,000 businesses, labor organizations, schools, public agencies, private groups, and individuals. or 630-285-1121

Governors Highway Safety Association (GHSA)

This nonprofit association represents the highway safety offices of states and territories. These offices work to change the behavior of drivers and other road users in order to reduce motor vehicle-related deaths and injuries, including those related to pedestrians and bicyclists. GHSA provides a collective voice for the states in working with Congress and federal agencies to address the nation's highway safety challenges. or 202-789-0942

Pedestrian-related documents and research

Citizen's Quick Reference Guide to Transportation Decision-Making

This guide provides information on how transportation decisions are made at the local, state, and national levels.

FHWA Hispanic Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety

This Web site includes links to research, materials to convey safety messages to Hispanics, and a marketing plan for communicating issues related to Hispanic pedestrian safety.

PEDSAFE: Pedestrian Safety Guide and Countermeasure Selection System

PEDSAFE provides practitioners with a list of possible engineering, education, or enforcement treatments to improve pedestrian safety and/or mobility based on user input about a specific location.

BIKESAFE: Bicycle Countermeasure Selection System

BIKESAFE is intended to provide practitioners with the latest information available for improving the safety and mobility of those who bicycle.

How to Develop a Pedestrian Safety Action Plan

This is a comprehensive guide to provide a framework for state and local agencies to develop and implement a pedestrian safety action plan tailored to their specific problems and needs.

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