GEODAS v5.0.07 Installation Instructions: 2/27/2007 NOTE: GEODAS Software for MS Windows is much more robust, and includes more functionality. It is suggested that, if your system will run MS Windows, you should use that version: NOTE: Binaries for Mac version of software are for pre-Intel OSX machines. All others must build from source. ADMINISTRATIVE/ROOT PERMISSION IS REQUIRED TO INSTALL TCL!!! There are two (2) Installer packages: TclTkAqua-8.4.4 and Install GEODAS setup.pkg TcltkAqua installs the Wish Shell to run the GEODAS programs. Install GEODAS setup.pkg installs the GEODAS Installer (yeah, it looks repetitive) Doing it: In the Finder, follow the usual Macintosh procedures to open and run Installer packages. The Wish Shell software will be installed in your system by the Tcltk installer. (Do this FIRST -- it will be needed by the GEODAS installer) The geodas_install software directory will be placed at the top of the directory tree on the disc (if there is more than one volume, this will be on the selected volume). When this process is finished, you should Eject the "Install GEODAS" disc image (drag to trash). Actually installing GEODAS: Start the Terminal application (/Applications/Utilities/ or an Xterm if you have X11 installed. See the readme.txt file in the geodas_install directory for other important information. In the Terminal or Xterm window: Change Directory to the geodas_install directory (cd /geodas_install) Run the GEODAS Installer script (./geodas-install) and follow the onscreen instructions to set up your data inventories from various GEODAS data discs. There should now be a "geodas" directory on your disk. Note that GEODAS install must be run for each GEODAS SETUP cd which you have. At this time available cds include: Marine Trackline Geophysics NOS Hydrographic Surveys NGDC Coastal Relief Model Vol. 01 thru 10 Great Lakes Bathymetry Vol. G0 ETOPO2 Global Gridded Elevations Vol. E1 NOTE: Once installed, you may configure or change some aspects of the GEODAS software by running program geodas-setup from the command prompt in Terminal (see Help: Configuring GEODAS). Putting Data on your own disc: On Mac installations, you may copy the entire contents of a CD or DVD to your local hard drive, if the following rules are followed: the CD/DVD icon to your Desktop or other directory where you want its image stored DO NOT CHANGE ANY FILE OR DIRECTORY NAMES THEREIN! Data access problems may occur if the directory names above the CD image's contain blank spaces or possibly other characters, e.g., "/Users/yourname/GEODAS CD images ?ETOPO2_CD". A legal string would be like "/Users/yourname/GEODAS-CD-images/ETOPO2_CD". Running GEODAS In Terminal, cd to the geodas directory and enter ./geodas to start the GEODAS Launchpad. Or, to run geodas from a desktop icon, double-click the GEODAS alias icon the GEODAS Installer has placed on your Desktop. Or, locate the geodas or geodas.command file in the geodas directory and drag it to the Dock on your screen (to the right of the separator near, but not in, the Trash). Either of these icons will start GEODAS Launch Pad from a Terminal window, which you can hide with the (cmd-H) command. Leave Terminal running or your GEODAS session will die with it. Look at "~/geodas/images/geodas.gif" for desktop/dock alias' icon. Open the gif file in Preview, copy it (cmd-C) to the Clipboard. Get Info (cmd-I) for the geodas.command file, click on the document icon at the upper left, and Paste (cmd-V) the geodas.gif image onto the file. Voil! Macs are fun. Sometimes exasperating, but fun. The links to your browser for viewing various data images (icon buttons in GEODAS Launch Pad) may not work properly. The links back to GEODAS from the displayed web pages are definitely NOT functional on a Mac so far. To link to your browser (e.g., Safari), you must specify its access path in the Setup "Path to browser" to: "/Applications/" For Firefox or other browser, substitute the appropriate name. You must use the complete path, including the "*.app/Contents/MacOS/*" parts. Only Safari has been tested successfully for this function. We have not determined the right way to access Netscape and Explorer from the launchpad buttons. Each CD has a start*.htm file on its top level -- open that in any browser. For Mac Geeks: See the "darwin" subdirectory in geodas_install for the compiled code and libraries. The installer automatically places these files in the appropriate directories in geodas. To install from the source code: You must have the Apple Developer Tools (part of any OS-X installer CD set) installed. In addition, you will need the g77 fortran compiler, available from; the "FINK" package is the easiest way to get g77 installed. A Makefile is included in the geodas_install/source/fortran directory, named Makefile_MacOSX. This has been tested under OS 10.2.6-10.4.8. For Macintosh OS-X install questions, contact: