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Architecture Workspace Meetings

January 9, 2009 - The Architecture Workspace call with a began with a caBIG® Program Update. The Workspace received an update on mentoring and compatibility reviews in the ICR Workspace. The final Silver Compatibility Review report and recommendation was given on the Digital Model Repository (DMR). The status of the .NET proof of concept work and next steps were presented. The call ended with an introduction to the federated metadata repository proof of concept work at Washington University.

December 12, 2008 - The Architecture WS call began with a caBIG® Program Update on various items of interest to the Architecture WS. The WS received a presentation on Data Provenance on the Grid, a Birds of a Feather session topic from the recent Architecture/VCDE WS Face-to-Face. The WS also received an update on Workflows since the October 2008 Architecture/VCDE Face-to-Face, including subsequent interviews around participant use cases.

November 14, 2008 - The Architecture WS teleconference began with an overview of the recent Architecture/VCDE Joint Workspace Face-to-Face Meeting at Northwestern University, in Evanston, IL. Reports from Face-to-Face Birds of a Feather sessions related to the Architecture WS were given, from the Organizational Identity Provider Integration and caGrid Knowledge Center sessions. A presentation was given from the ICR Analytical Services Best Practices Working Group on High Throughput (HTP) Data Transfer.

August 22, 2008 - The Architecture WS teleconference began with a demonstration of the caBench-to-Bedside (caB2B) application. The WS was given an overview of the CQL 2.0 Technology Preview. A de-brief was given on the recent National Science Foundation Workshop presentation on gRAVI, Taverna and other technologies used to realize service oriented science.

August 8, 2008 - The Architecture WS call began with a caBIG™ Program Update. The WS received a demonstration of the Compatibility Review System (CRS) software version 3.0. The WS received an introduction to the caGrid Knowledge Center and an update on its activities. The call ended with a discussion of the caGrid deprecation policy.

July 25, 2008 - The Architecture WS meeting began with a caBIG™ Program Update. The Workspace received a presentation on the background and activities of the CTMS WS COPPA (Correlation, Organization, Person, Protocol Abstraction) project. The WS was received an update on caGrid activities including a demo of the caGrid Portal, a caGrid Dorian Security Report and caGrid Core and Workflow updates.

July 11, 2008 - The Architecture WS meeting began with a review of the recently concluded caBIG™ Annual Meeting held in Washington, D.C. The Workspace received a presentation on the recently released caGrid Portal version 2.0.2, including feature enhancements and fixes. The ICR WS Analytical Services Best Practices WG delivered a presentation on the caGrid Analytical Services Framework regarding Washington University’s experiences developing caGrid analytical services using caGrid infrastructure.

Note: The June 27, 2007 Architecture Workspace teleconference was cancelled due to the caBIG™ 2008 Annual Meeting.

June 13, 2008 - The Architecture WS meeting began with a caBIG™ Program Update. The WS received an update on the upcoming caBIG Annual Meeting with highlights around sessions of interest to Architecture. A presentation was given on the work of the small group considering the criteria derived from the caBIG Compatibility Guidelines (v3) which will eventually be used in Gold Level compatibility reviews. The Architecture WS considered the recommendations from the small group that evaluated the Bioconductor and ChemBank software applications for Silver level compatibility. The call ended with an update from the Terminology Metadata group.

May 23, 2008 - The Architecture WS received an in-depth demonstration of new features in the caBench-to-Bedside (caB2B) application. The caGrid Team discussed caGrid metrics and tooling for collecting data on software usage in a distributed environment.

May 9, 2008 - The Architecture WS call began with a caBIG™ Program Update. The caGrid team provided a debrief on the recent caGrid face-to-face meeting held April 23-25. The caGrid Workflow and Portal teams further summarized the aspects of the caGrid face-to-face meeting relevant to each group.

April 25, 2008 - The Architecture WS call began with a caBIG™ Program Update. Updates on ongoing compatibility reviews were presented and discussed. A more detailed description of the Annual Meeting was presented. The call ended with a debrief on the Analytical Services Best Practices Working Group and call for topics of interest from participants.

April 11, 2008 - The Architecture call began with a caBIG™ Program Update. The final GenePattern Compatibility Review was presented and voted upon for Architecture WS approval. The caGrid Deployment Team was introduced to the WS. The Workspace received updates on a recent LOA2 technical implementation meeting between the caGrid Team and the University of Texas. The WS received updates from the caGrid Core, caGrid Portal and caGrid Workflow teams, and discussed topics of interest from participants.

March 28, 2008 - The Architecture call began with a caBIG™ Program Update. The Binary Data Format Working Group presented their recommendations. The WS received updates from the caGrid Core, caGrid Portal and caGrid teams, and discussed topics of interest from participants.

March 14, 2008 - This meeting was cancelled.

February 22, 2008 - The Workspace meeting began with a caBIG™ Program Update. Liaison updates were given from the CTMS, Imaging, VCDE and Documentation and Training Workspaces. The Security Working Group provided an update on its activities. The caGrid portal team presented its approach to address service registration. The call ended with a caGrid update, Mentor Guide update and any topics of interest from participants.

February 8, 2008 - The Architecture WS teleconference began with a caBIG™ Program Update and a debrief of action items from the recent Architecture/VCDE F2F meeting in Salt Lake City, UT. The Mentor Guide group provided an update on their work. Updates were given for various caGrid activities including the initial caGrid 1.2 scope document, caGrid and Bundle activities, and caGrid Deployment activities. Liaison reports were given from the TBPT, DSIC and ICR Workspaces.

January 25, 2008 - The Architecture will receive liaison reports from the CTMS, Imaging, Documentation and Training, and VCDE Workspaces. An update on discussions around primitive data types will be given on behalf of the Guides to Mentors. In preparation for the F2F meeting, presentations were be given on the Terminology Metadata work and the Enterprise Support Network. The call ended with an update from the caGrid Team and topics of interest raised by Architecture WS participants.

January 11, 2008 - The Architecture Workspace received liaison reports from the DSIC and TBPT Workspaces. The Workspace review the agenda for the upcoming Face-to-Face meeting being held at the University of Utah. An overview was given on the work being done by the Binary Data Format Working Group. An overview and demonstration was given on the recently released Portal 2.0. The call ended with an update from the caGrid Team.

December 14, 2007 - Liaison reports were given from the ICR, TBPT, and DSIC Workspaces. The Architecture Workspace received a presentation from the working group focused on Metadata for Discovery of Terminology Services. The ChemBank project was presented to kick-off its Silver Level Compatibility Review. The call ended with an update from the caGrid Team.

November 30, 2007 - Liaison reports were given from the CTMS, Imaging, Documentation & Training, and VCDE Workspaces. The geWorkbench project presented a kick-off presentation for the Silver Level Compatibility Review. The Workspace received the final report for the caTissue v1.2 Compatibility Review. Finally, the Workspace received updates from the caGrid Team and the Mentor Guides group and discussed topics of interest raised by Architecture WS participants.

November 9, 2007 - Liaison reports were given from the ICR, TBPT and DSIC Workspaces. The caGrid Deployment team provided an update on their activities. The geWorkbench team presented an overview and the tasks and goals of a proof-of-concept project to establish an interface between grid-enabled geWorkbench and TeraGrid computational resources. Georgetown University provided an overview of the training module they will be developing to illustrate the end-to-end process of developing a silver compatible service and the grid-enablement of that service. An update was given from the caGrid Team and Arch WS participants discussed the need to scale up support of knowledge of caBIG™ technology.

October 26, 2007 - The Architecture Workspace received Liaison reports from the CTMS, Imaging, Documentation & Training, and VCDE Workspaces. A caGrid update was given, as well as a demonstration of caB2B v2.0 followed by a discussion of suggested features. The BioConductor project was presented to kick-off the compatibility review and a final report on the caTRIP compatibility review was given.

October 12, 2007 - Liaison reports were given from the ICR, TBPT, and DSIC Workspaces. The NCIA and GenePattern projects were presented to kick-off their compatibility reviews. A final report was given on the caMOD compatibility review. The updated version of the Compatibility Guidelines was presented for a vote to release to caBIG™ for review. The call ended with a caGrid update.

September 28, 2007 - In the Architecture WS teleconference, liaison reports were given from the CTMS, Imaging, Documentation & Training, and VCDE Workspaces. An update was given on the recent caGrid 1.1 release, along with a call for Arch liaisons/mentors to the CCTS project. Various participants led a debrief on the recent ICR F2F sessions. The IVI Middleware project was presented for Silver Level Compatibility Review Kickoff. A final report out was given on the caXchange Silver Level Compatibility Review and the WS voted to pass the application for Silver Level. Finally, an update was given by the Guides to Mentors group.

September 14, 2007 - The Architecture WS received liaison reports from the CTMS, ICR, TBPT and DSIC Workspaces. Action items generated from the recent Joint Arch/VCDE WS Face-to-Face meeting were reviewed. An update was given on ICR Workflow WG activities and the upcoming caGrid Deployment Release 1.1.

August 24, 2007 - The Architecture WS received Liaison Reports from the CTMS, Imaging, Documentation & Training, and VCDE Workspaces. An update was given on caGrid development activities and a presentation/demo was given on caGrid portal development. Arch WS participants also provided final comments on the updated draft of the Compatibility Guidelines (Revision 3).

July 27, 2007 - Liaison reports were given from the CTMS, Imaging, Training and VCDE Workspaces. The authors of the Rules Engine White Paper presented their recommendations and request input from the Architecture Workspace. We also briefly reviewed the revised F2F meeting agenda. In preparation for the F2F meeting, we heard background on the 3 ICR Working Groups (Analytical Services Best Practices, Workflow and High Throughput Data Transfer Working Groups) and the Compatibility Guidelines v3.0 Working Group. We ended the call with a caGrid update and topics of interest from participants.

July 13, 2007 - Liaison reports were given from the ICR, TBPT and DSIC Workspaces. The WS also heard the final report out and recommendation from the C3PRv1 review group. In preparation for the upcoming face-to-face meeting, we were presented with the background on the CTMS Suite project. Additionally, the mentor guides discussed changes to the review checklists and request feedback. We ended the call with a caGrid update.

June 22, 2007 - Liaison reports were given from the Imaging, Training and VCDE Workspaces. The WS was also given the opportunity to review and comment on the draft face-to-face agenda and the updated Architecture WS home page. We were also updated on caGrid and mentor guide activities.

June 8, 2007 - The Architecture WS discussed the upcoming Joint Architecture/VCDE Face-to-Face Meeting which will be held August 6-8, at Georgetown University. A presentation was given on the caIntegrator Compatibility Review and the review team’s recommendations. The WS voted to pass the project for Arch compatibility review. The WS received updates on caGrid Deployment and caGrid Development activities. Finally, liaisons presented reports from the ICR, CTMS, TBPT, and DSIC Workspaces.

May 25, 2007 - Liaison reports were given from the CTMS, Imaging, Training and VCDE Workspaces. We heard a report out from a small working group, “ConceptID on caGrid”. Finally, we were updated on the caGrid activities.

May 11, 2007 - The Arch Workspace received updates on the caBIG™ Program as well as liaison reports from the ICR, TBPT and DSIC Workspaces. The caGrid team presented their scope documents for the upcoming minor release. Mentor Guides provided an update on their activities, including discussions around the caCORE SDK requirements in the review checklists, modifications to the review process, and training modules under development. A new standing agenda item for “Topics of Interest from Participants” spurred a discussion around Architecture/caGrid/Working Group webpage usability, and recommendations will be made for corresponding updates.

April 27, 2007 - The Arch WS heard updates on the caBIG™ Program and the caGrid development effort. We also reinstituted the liaison reports with updates from the CTMS, D & T, Imaging and VCDE Workspaces. The WS also heard updates from the compatibility reviews currently under way (caMOD, caTrip, Rembrandt and C3PRv1). Finally, we initiated a discussion focusing on the use of type derivation/substitution on caGrid.

April 13, 2007 - The Architecture WS heard updates from the caGrid team and the various Working Groups that have been kicked off in the Architecture WS or involve Architecture/caGrid participation. Additionally, Avinash introduced a placeholder on the Arch WS agenda for Workspace participants to raise topics of interest for discussion with the Workspace.

March 23, 2007 - The Architecture WS heard the silver compatibility kick-off presentation for caXchange as well as the final compatibility report on CAE. Additionally, Arumani Manisundaram presented the plans for caGrid development over the coming year.

March 9, 2007 - The Architecture WS heard an update from the Mentor Guide Group. Additionally, Stephen Reckford presented C3PRv1 to kick-off the compatibility review.

February 23, 2007 - The Architecture WS heard updates on the caGrid users meeting, the caGrid/TeraGrid integration activities and the Mentor Guide group activities. Additionally, Baris Suzek presented a case study on developing PIR as a silver compatible system and grid enabling PIR.

January 26, 2007 - The Architecture WS heard updates on the caGrid users meeting and the Security Working Group (SWG). Additionally, the Clinical Annotation Engine review group provided a report out on their activities and the National Cancer Imaging Archive (NCIA) presented their development project to initiate the compatibility review process.

January 12, 2007 - The Architecture WS was presented with a summary of the caGrid 1.0 release including links to software and documentation, caGrid installation, caGrid portal and caGrid browser. The WS voted on the current versions of the Default datatypes white paper and recommendation, the Vocabulary Services on caGrid white paper and recommendation and the silver API checklist. The Arch WS also heard the final report out from the Gene Connect Silver Compatibility Review group.

To view meeting minutes from older Architecture WS teleconferences, please click here.

last modified 01-22-2009 03:45 PM