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About Kathleen J.H. Wheeler

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About Kathleen J. H. Wheeler

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Kathleen J. H. Wheeler

 Deputy Chief, Human Capital Officer

Department of the Interior


Ms. Wheeler serves as the Deputy Chief Human Capital Officer, with responsibility for managing the Offices of Human Resources, Civil Rights, Occupational Health and Safety, and Strategic Development of Human Capital and reports to the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Performance, Accountability and Human Resources within the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Policy, Management and Budget. 


Before being appointed as the Deputy Chief Human Capital Officer in June 2004, Ms. Wheeler played a key role in the development and implementation of the Department’s first ever Strategic Human Capital Plan.  She also served as the Executive Director for the Interior Management Initiatives Team, which leads Interior’s implementation of the President’s Management Agenda, the Secretary’s Citizen’s Centered Governance Plan, and other management strategies. 


Previously at Interior, Ms. Wheeler was a Special Assistant in the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Water and Science and the Budget Officer for the Bureau of Reclamation.  Prior to joining the Department in 1997, Ms. Wheeler spent five years as a member of the majority staff for the Senate Interior Appropriations.  In 1991, Ms. Wheeler completed a nine-month detail with Congressman Regula, the Ranking Minority Member for the House Interior Appropriations Subcommittee at that time.  Prior to her Hill experience, Ms. Wheeler also held budget positions at the Department of Energy and the U.S. Department of Agriculture, where she began her professional career in 1980. 


Ms. Wheeler holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Administrative Management/Business Education from Brigham Young University.  Ms. Wheeler was a founding member of the greater Sandy Spring Green Space, a local suburban Maryland land trust. She and her husband reside in Ashton, Maryland.




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U.S. Department of the Interior
Office of Policy Management and Budget
Web Contact: PAHR_Webmaster@ios.doi.gov
Last Updated on 09/11