Kansas City Board of Trade

Value Line Futures & Options
Value Line trading hours: 6:15 p.m. to 3:15 p.m. CT

Quotes & Charts

10-minute delayed Value Line quotes/charts Value Line Quote Vendor Information
Value Line Futures Spread Charts  

Market Reports
Value Line futures and options Value Line stock listing
Contract specifications Daily trading limits
Margins Trading calendar
Fair Value Value Line brokers
2006 Moore Research seasonal trade reports Arithmetic/Geometric Formulas
2006 statistical summary for futures Downloadable PowerPoint presentation

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Value Line® is a registered mark of Value Line, Inc., a New York corporation that provides financial services and publications. Since 1982, the Kansas City Board of Trade has been licensed to use the Value Line® mark in connection with its efforts to establish futures markets tied to the Value Line® index. The Kansas City Board of Trade and Value Line, Inc. are not affiliated corporate entities.


© Copyright Kansas City Board of Trade. The Kansas City Board of Trade disclaims liability for errors or omissions in information on this Web site. The KCBT makes no commitment to update the information contained on the site and disclaims all liability for the use or interpretation by others of information contained in the site. Decisions based on information contained in the site are the sole responsibility of the visitor, and in exchange for using the site, the visitor agrees to hold the KCBT, its officers, its members and its affiliates harmless against any claims for damages arising from any decisions that the visitor makes based upon such information. Nothing contained in the KCBT site constitutes investment advice.