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MCH Strategic Planning Workgroup Materials

2004  |  2006  |  2007  |  2008

2007 Workgroup Materials

  • Faculty and Trainee Diversity
    • MCH Training Program Diversity Plan Guideline PDF | DOC
    • January Call Notes PDF | DOC
    • February Call Notes PDF | DOC
    • March Call Notes PDF | DOC
    • April Call Notes PDF | DOC
    • June Call Notes PDF | DOC
    • August Call Notes PDF | DOC
    • September Call Notes PDF | DOC
    • Workgroup Participant List (Div.) PDF | DOC
  • Family-Centered and Family-Directed Practice
    • Indicators of Comprehensive Instruction and Field Placement (10/07) PDF | DOC
    • Compendium of FC, FD Field Experiences (08) PDF
    • Family Advisory Boards Guidelines (08) PDF
    • Resources for Teaching FC and FD Practices (08) PDF
    • January Call Notes PDF | DOC
    • March Call Notes PDF | DOC
    • April Call Notes PDF | DOC
    • May Call Notes PDF | DOC
    • July Call Notes PDF | DOC
    • August Call Notes PDF | DOC
  • Interdisciplinary Training and Practice
  • Reporting and Monitoring
  • Joint Meeting Discussion Summaries
    • Monitoring and Reporting PDF | DOC
    • Family Directed Practice PDF | DOC
    • Interdisciplinary Practice PDF | DOC
    • MCH Leadership Competencies PDF | DOC
    • Faculty & Trainee Diversity PDF | DOC