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The "Related Links & Resources" module below provides links to the web sites of various organizations where you may find additional sources of funding.

The link between training and the conduct of research is critical. All MCHB supported trainees are expected to be exposed to, and to achieve basic understanding of, research principles, methodology, and application.

This may be achieved through formal course work, lectures, presentations, and participation in a research activity or combinations of these and/or other methods.

The nature and degree of research exposure and involvement should be commensurate with the level (prior training) of the trainee and length of training involvement. Long-term doctoral and postdoctoral trainees are required to conduct a specific research activity, either as an individual investigator with appropriate faculty advice and mentorship, or collaboratively with other trainees and/or faculty. Trainees should seek to disseminate findings at scientific symposia and through published articles in peer reviewed journals.

Recently, the MCH Training Program has partnered with the MCH Research Program to offer a grant opportunity for a study that will begin to address the research gaps in the field of interdisciplinary MCH training by investigating the factors that promote quality of health care service delivery, with attention to understanding the effectiveness and impact of interdisciplinary training of MCH professionals.  The opportunity has been incorporated into the upcoming MCH Research Program grant guidance for new applications which will be released in the near future.  The due date for applications on the interdisciplinary training study will be early 2007.  The interdisciplinary training study will be funded at $300,000 per year for up to three years.  In addition to the interdisciplinary training study, the MCH Training Program will fund one MCH Distance Learning grant in the FY 2007 competition that will address the translation of new evidence-based knowledge into practice and policy.  Individuals interested in this opportunity will find more details in the upcoming MCH Distance Learning grant guidance for new applications which will be released in the near future.  The due date for applications will be early 2007.  MCH Distance Learning projects are funded at $100,000 each year for up to three years.  Please visit http://www.hrsa.gov/grants for more information about these two opportunities once guidances become available.