Kansas City Board of Trade

Ensuring Market Integrity

Market integrity is at the core of every decision made by the exchange. To ensure it, a strict code of rules governs all KCBT members and member firms. The rules are a combination of federal regulations that apply to all futures exchanges and rules established by our members that apply to only the KCBT.

The KCBT has been a leader in implementing innovative and effective ways to ensure fair and open markets. The KCBT consistently earns top marks from the Commodity Futures Trading Commission,the futures industry's chief regulator.

Market regulation at the exchange takes place in three ways. The members themselves oversee floor operations and conduct in each pit. The staff, through the Audits & Investigations Department, visually observes trading as well as conducts rigorous reviews of trading and investigations of alleged abuses. The Commodity Futures Trading Commission is actively involved in both day-to-day and long-term oversight.

Members found to be in violation of the rules are subject to both exchange and federal discipline.


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