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Teachers' Lounge - Resources for Teachers

Lesson Plans

The Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) Climate Research Facility (ACRF) Education and Outreach Program creates basic science lessons related to weather and climate for K-12th grade. ARM Education strives to make lessons that are relevant to the needs of the schools in the communities where the ARM Program has their sites, the Southern Great Plains (SGP) of the United States, the Tropical Western Pacific (TWP), and the North Slope of Alaska (NSA). However, almost all of these lessons are useful for students anywhere. To learn more about the ARM Program, click to see a short presentation (mov).

Additional classroom materials are available at Just for Fun.

Teacher workshop at Barrow High School
At the teacher workshop at Barrow High School, the teachers took part in an Arctic Microclimates Lesson and Activity. The teachers, shown here, are taking temperatures of different microclimates.

Getting Started

Lesson Plans

Background Information

