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Wireless Internet Access

Get connected to the Internet through our free wireless access point at the Tempe Public Library. You will be able to surf the web from any device that supports 802.11b wireless connectivity.

The TempeCafe connection will allow web browsing only. (no gaming, music swapping, chat, etc.)  If you need to access your email it will need to be through a web interface.  Most email providers have web interfaces available and you'll have to contact them if you don't have their access information.

We use Cisco for our access points and they have a page that could help if you have problems with your wireless equipment.  Check it out.

How to Connect

PC (Windows XP & older) Windows Vista MacIntosh:

1. Connect to tempecafe the City of Tempe’s free wireless access point.

2. Configure your browser to point to and port: 8080 as your proxy server.

3. You must configure your laptop to use DHCP.

Click here for more detailed instructions.

Many of our detailed instructions are in .pdf files, which require Adobe Reader.  Click on the link below to download the latest version Adobe Reader.

1. Click on the Windows button in the bottom left corner of the desktop; then click on "Connect To".

2. Under "Select a network to connect to", highlight "tempecafe" and click "Connect".

4. At the warning message, click "Connect Anyway".

5. Once the connection is established, a dialog box will appear. Click "Close".

6. Configure your browser to point to and port: 8080 as your proxy server.

Click here for more detailed instructions for Windows Vista.

1. Turn on MacIntosh.

2. Turn on Airport.

3. Accept tempecafe network.

4. System Preferences (under Apple menu)

5. Click Network.

6. Click Configure.

7. Click Proxies.

8. Check both FTP and HTTP boxes.

9. In Web Proxy Server, insert: and port: 8080

10. Click Apply.

11. Open Safari.


Disclaimer: By choosing to use this free wireless service you acknowledge that you understand the use is at your own risk and that the Library is not responsible for any damage that may occur to your computer while connected to the Tempe Public Library network.