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FORTHCOMING EVENTS at the Library of Congress
sponsored by the Center for the Book

Events are open to the public and reservations or tickets are usually not required. Unless otherwise indicated, events take place in a location in the James Madison Memorial Building (Madison), 101 Independence Ave.,SE. or the Thomas Jefferson Building (Jefferson), First St. SE between East Capitol St. and Independence Ave., SE. For further information, phone: 202-707-5221


SEPTEMBER 16 (Tuesday), 6 p.m., Montpelier Room, Madison Building
Books & Beyond program. Matt Weiland, Jacki Lyden, Joshua Clark and Edward P. Jones will discuss and sign State By State: A Panoramic Portrait of America – 50 Writers on 50 States (HarperCollins, 2008)

SEPTEMBER 27 (Saturday), 10 a.m.-5:30 p.m., The National Mall
National Book Festival

OCTOBER 4 (Saturday),10.00 a.m., Mumford Room, Madison Building
The Americas Award for Children’s and Young Adult Literature will be presented to Pat Mora (author) and Rafael Lopez (illustrator) and author Laura Resau. Cosponsored with the Hispanic Division and the Consortium of Latin American Studies Programs (CLASP).

OCTOBER 7 (Tuesday), 6 p.m., Montpelier Room, Madison Building
Books & Beyond program with mystery bookstore owners Barbara Peters and Robert Rosenwald. Cosponsored with Mystery Writers of America.

OCTOBER 16 (Thursday), 12 noon, Mumford Room, Madison Building
“Ansel Adams and His Books: Photographs In Ink,” a talk by American scholar, Anne Hammond. Cosponsored with the Prints and Photographs Division.

OCTOBER 16 (Thursday), 6 p.m., Montpelier Room, Madison Building
Books & Beyond program. Prize winning author and New York Times writer Timothy Egan will discuss and sign three new books in the “Field of Vision” series, The Photographs of Russell Lee, The Photographs of Marion Post Wolcott, and The Photographs of Ben Shahn -- edited by Amy Pastan with photographs from the Farm Security Administration, 1937-1942. The Worst Hard Time: the Untold Story of Those Who Survived the Great American Dust Bowl by Timothy Egan (Houghton Mifflin, 2006) will also be available for signing. Cosponsored with the American Folklife Center and the Publishing Office.

OCTOBER 29 (Wednesday), 12 noon, Mumford Room, Madison Building
Books & Beyond program. Children’s literature historian Leonard Marcus will discuss and sign his new book Minders of Make Believe: Idealists, Entrepreneurs, and the Shaping of American Children’s Literature (Houghton Mifflin Co., 2008)

NOVEMBER 3 (Monday), 6:00 p.m., Montpelier Room, Madison Building
Books & Beyond program honoring Nigerian author Chinua Achebe who will discuss and sign the 50th anniversary edition of his book, Things Fall Apart (Anchor Books, 2008). Cosponsored with the African Section, Africa and Middle Eastern Division and TransAfrica Forum.

Selected Center for the Book-sponsored events are now available to view as cybercasts.

  The Library of Congress >> Research Centers >> Center for the Book Home
  September 15, 2008
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