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Solves standard or generalized, real or complex, symmetric or nonsymmetric,
sparse or banded eigenvalue problems. Appropriate for large sparse or
structured matrices. Based upon the Implicitly Restarted Arnoldi Method.
Designed to compute a few eigenvalues such as those of largest real part or largest
magnitude. Also computes eigenvectors and SVDs. (Developed by Lehoucq,
Sorensen, and Yang).
Classes  :  D4a7 . Sparse matrix eigenvalue problems
            D4a6 . Banded matrix eigenvalue problems
            D4b5 . Banded generalized matrix eigenvalue problems
            D4a .  Ordinary matrix eigenvalue problems (Ax = (lambda) * x)
            D4b .  Generalized matrix matrix eigenvalue problems (e.g., Ax =
            D7d .  Update singular value decomposition (SVD)
Type     : Fortran software in SCALAPACK collection.
Access   : Public domain. Portable.
Precision: Single or double.
Note     : Fullsource is distributed as a uuencoded gzipped Unix tar file,
           documentation as a gzipped PostScript file. These are both
           uuencoded by GAMS.
Details  : Fullsource Instructions Readme UserGuide
Sites    : (1) NETLIB

Implementation of ARPACK from SCALAPACK on NETLIB

NETLIB:    Public access repository, The University of Tennessee at
           Knoxville and Bell Laboratories
Precision: Single or double.
Note     : Fullsource is distributed as a uuencoded gzipped Unix tar file,
           documentation as a gzipped PostScript file. These are both
           uuencoded by GAMS.
You may access components from NETLIB outside GAMS as follows.
   Access       : ScaLAPACK software can be retrieved by anonymous ftp
                  from ftp.netlib.org in the directory scalapack.
   Fullsource   : Anonymous FTP from ftp.netlib.org in
   Instructions : Available by anonymous FTP from ftp.netlib.org in the
                  directory scalapack.
   UserGuide    : Available as a gzipped PostScript file by anonymous FTP
                  from ftp.netlib.org in the directory scalapack.
   Readme       : Available by anonymous FTP from ftp.netlib.org in the
                  directory scalapack.

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