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Fundamental Interactions

Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics

Linda Young, Argonne Distinguished Fellow and Group Leader
phone: 630-252-8878, fax: 630-252-6210, e-mail:

  • PhD Chemical Physics, University of California, Berkeley
  • Ultrafast x-ray and laser science
  • Strong-field control of x-ray processes
  • Atomic and molecular behavior in strong-electromagnetic fields
  • Precision measurements in atom traps

Robert W. Dunford, Physicist
phone: 630/252-4052, fax: 630/252-2864, email:

  • PhD, Physics, University of Michigan
  • Experimental atomic physics

Elliot Kanter, Physicist
phone: 630/252-4050, fax: 630/252-2864, e-mail:

Bertold Krässig, Physicist
phone 630/252-9230, fax 630/252-6210, e-mail

  • PhD / Dr. Rer. Nat., Physics, University of Freiburg, Germany
  • X-ray interactions with atoms and molecules
  • Laser-x-ray pump-probe experiments
  • Strong-field control of atomic and molecular photoabsorption

Robin Santra, Physicist
phone: 630/252-4994, fax: 630/252-6210, e-mail:

  • PhD, Theoretical Chemical Physics, University of Heidelberg
  • Theoretical atomic, molecular, and optical physics
  • Theoretical chemical physics

Stephen H. Southworth, Physicist
phone: 630/252-3894, fax: 630-252-6210, e-mail:

  • PhD, Chemistry, University of California, Berkeley
  • Synchrotron radiation, optical lasers, free-electron lasers
  • Electron, ion, photon spectroscopy

Phay Ho, Postdoctoral Appointee
phone: 630/252-4099,

Hari Varma Ravi, Postdoctoral Appointee

Chemical Dynamics

Stephen T. Pratt, Senior Chemist and Group Leader
phone: 630/252-4199, fax: 630/252-9292, e-mail:

  • PhD, Physical Chemistry, Yale University
  • Photoionization and photodissociation dynamics of small molecules
  • Experimental photoelectron spectrometry, ion imaging, and mass spectrometry
  • Multiphoton and double-resonance spectroscopy
  • Combustion chemistry

Michael J. Davis, Theoretical Chemist
phone: 630/252-4802, fax: 630/252-9292, e-mail:

Stephen Gray, Theoretical Chemist
phone: 630/252-3594, fax: 630/252-4470, e-mail:

Lawrence B. Harding, Theoretical Chemist
phone: 630/252-3591, fax: 630/252-9292, email:

  • PhD, Chemistry, California Institute of Technology
  • Applications of ab initio electronic structure theory
  • Theoretical chemical kinetics

Stephen J. Klippenstein, Theoretical Chemist
phone: 630/252-3596, fax: 630/252-9292, e-mail:

  • PhD, Theoretical Chemistry, California Institute of Technology
  • Theoretical chemical kinetics
  • Combustion chemistry
  • Atmospheric chemistry
  • Interstellar chemistry

Robert G. (Glen) MacDonald, Physical Chemist
phone: 630/252-7742, fax: 630/252-4470, e-mail:

Joe V. Michael, Physical Chemist
phone: 630/252-3171, fax: 630/252-4470, e-mail:

  • PhD, Physical Chemistry, University of Rochester
  • Chemical kinetics in the gas phase
  • Stratospheric kinetics with flow tubes and absorption / fluorescence methods
  • Combustion chemistry using shock tubes

Branko Ruscic, Physical Chemist
phone: 630/252-4079, fax: 630/252-4081, e-mail:

  • PhD, Physical Chemistry, University of Zagreb
  • Thermochemistry (experimental and theoretical)
  • Photoionization mass spectrometry and photoelectron spectroscopy
  • Active thermochemical tables and thermochemical networks
  • Study of radicals and other transient species relevant in combustion and atmospheric chemistry
  • Active tables, informational manifolds, and optimizations of data interdependencies

Ron Shepard, Theoretical Chemist
phone: 630/252-3584, fax: 630/252-4470, e-mail:

Robert S. Tranter, Physical Chemist
Phone 630/252-6505, e-mail

  • PhD, Combustion Chemistry, University of Hull, UK
  • Experimental gas phase kinetics
  • Combustion chemistry
  • Soot formation
  • Development of experimental methods
  • Shock tubes, flow reactors and mass spectrometry

Mi-Kyung Bahng, Postdoctoral Appointee
phone: 630/252-7792,

Abel I. Fernandez, Postdoctoral Appointee
phone: 630/252-7666, fax: 630/252-9570, e-mail:

  • PhD, Chemical Engineering, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
  • Kinetics of gas phase reactions, neutral and ionic species
  • Critical evaluation of thermochemical literature
  • Statistical validation techniques

Gergely Gidofalvi, Postdoctoral Appointee

V. Alvin Shubert, Physical Chemist
phone: 630/252-7314, e-mail:

  • PhD, Physical Chemistry, Purdue University
  • Laser spectroscopy of gas phase radicals
  • Gas phase chemical dynamics

Raghu Sivaramakrishnan, Postdoctoral Appointee
phone: 630/252-1771, fax: 630/252-4470, e-mail:

  • PhD, Chemical Engineering, University of Illinois at Chicago
  • Shock tube studies of gas phase reactions relevant to combustion
  • Development of chemical kinetic models for fuel surrogates
  • Computational chemistry


David M. Tiede, Biochemist and Group Leader
phone: 630/252-3539, fax: 630/252-9289, e-mail:

  • PhD, Biochemistry, University of Pennsylvania
  • Photo-induced electron transfer and solar energy conversion in natural and artificial photosynthesis
  • Biomimetic and supramolecular strategies for solar fuels production
  • X-ray scattering for measurement of bio- and supramolecular structure and dynamics
  • Time-resolved x-ray scattering

Lin Chen, Physical Chemist
phone: 630/252/3533, fax: 630/252-9289, e-mail

  • PhD, Physical Chemistry, The University of Chicago
  • Tracking ultrafast electronic and geometric structural dynamics in solar energy conversion processes
  • Tracking energy and electron flow in self-assembled organic and hybrid materials for photovoltaic and molecular device applications

Oleg G. Poluektov, Physical Chemist
phone: 630/252-3546, fax: 630/252-9289, e-mail:

  • PhD, Chemical Physics, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology
  • High-field and advanced EPR technique
  • Electron transfer in natural and artificial photosynthetic systems
  • Photosynthetic protein structure/function relationship

Lisa M. Utschig, Bioinorganic Chemist
phone: 630/252-3544, fax: 630/252-9289, e-mail:

  • PhD, Inorganic Chemistry, Northwestern University
  • Photosynthetic reaction center modification and characterization
  • Metal-protein complexes
  • Electron paramagnetic resonance of photosynthetic proteins

Libai Huang, Postdoctoral Appointee (joint appointment with Center for Nanoscale Materials)
phone: 630/252-4625,

  • PhD, Chemistry, University of Rochester, Rochester, New York
  • BS, Chemistry, Peking University, Beijing, China

Jenny Lockard, Postdoctoral Appointee
phone: 630/252-8038,

Ligang Zhang, Postdoctoral Appointee

Mailing Address for Fundamental Interactions Staff

Chemical Sciences and Engineering Division
Argonne National Laboratory, Bldg. 200
9700 South Cass Avenue
Argonne, IL 60439  USA

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U.S. Department of Energy The University of Chicago Office of Science - Department of Energy
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