Food Safety Constituent Update

Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition - Food and Drug Administration May 25, 2001

Food Safety Research: Availability of
Cooperative Agreements

On May 21, 2001, FDA announced in the Federal Register the availability of research funds for fiscal year 2001 to support research in the following areas: Analytical detection of bovine spongiform encephalopathy and other transmissible spongiform encephalopathies (BSE/TSE) in FDA-regulated products, consumer refrigeration storage length practices for unopened and opened packages of ready-to-eat foods, microbial contamination of agricultural water, and transfer coefficients to describe the potential for Listeria cross-contamination in the retail environment. Approximately $700,000 will be available in FY 2001. FDA anticipates making up to four awards of $100,000 to $200,000 (direct plus indirect costs) per award per year. Support of these agreements may be up to 3 years. Budgets for all years requested may not exceed $200,000 (direct plus indirect costs). Any application received that exceeds this amount will not be considered responsive and will be returned to the applicant without being reviewed. The number of agreements funded will depend on the quality of the applications received and the availability of Federal funds to support the projects. After the first year, additional years of noncompetitive support are predicated upon performance and the availability of Federal funds.

A copy of the Federal Register notice is available on FDA's Web site at

Dose-Response Tools

In response to a need for dose-response data for use in quantitative microbial risk assessment (data to describe the relationship between exposure to a pathogen (dose) and the frequency and severity of adverse health outcomes (response) in a given population), the Chicago Department of Public Health, with support from the Food and Drug Administration and the National Center for Food Safety and Technology, has created a telephone questionnaire to collect quantitative dose-response data. The questionnaire provides a template for dose-response data collection in the context of a foodborne disease outbreak.

The questionnaire and user's guide is available on the Food Safety Risk Analysis Clearinghouse Web site at


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