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Makapuu Light, Oahu, Hawaii Lighthouse Organizations
Sources for Historical Records
National Park Service Lighthouse Publications
National Park Service Preservation Guidance
Lighthouse Reading List
Makapuu Light on the Island of Oahu in Hawaii. NPS photo by James P. Delgado, 1989.

Return to top of page Lighthouse Organizations : American Lighthouse Coordinating Committee
The ALCC is a consortium of organizations and individuals dedicated to lighthouse preservation, restoration and rehabilitation. It seeks to develop consensus positions on issues of broad and far-reaching significance to the lighthouse community, share knowledge and expertise on lighthouse preservation issues with the Coast Guard and other government and lighthouse organizations, and serve as a central communication and coordination point to keep the lighthouse community informed about critical issues. The ALCC serves as a voice for the community. Contact: Mike Vogel, First Vice President,

American Lighthouse Foundation
P.O. Box 889
Wells, ME 04090
ALF was formed originally as The New England Lighthouse Foundation in 1994. Today they are responsible for the preservation of over a dozen lighthouses in the Northeast.

Florida Lighthouse Association

Great Lakes Lighthouse Keepers Association
PO Box 219
Mackinaw City, MI 49701-0219
GLLKA provides its members with a quarterly journal and hosts regional meetings.

Michigan Lighthouse Project
MLP was established in 1998 in response to the U.S. Coast Guard's plan to relinquish ownership of 77 historic Michigan Lighthouses.

National Lighthouse Museum and Center

New Jersey Lighthouse Society

Outer Banks Lighthouse Society

U.S. Lighthouse Society
244 Kearny Street - 5th Floor
San Francisco, CA 94108
USLHS provides its members with Keepers Log, an illustrated quarterly journal, lighthouse tours, and a general information service on lighthouse and lightship preservation. USLHS also has some regional chapters including the Chesapeake Bay Chapter, Long Island Chapter, and Oregon Chapter.

Return to top of page Sources for Historical Records: U.S. Coast Guard
Historian's Office G-CP/H
2100 2nd Street, S.W.
Washington, DC 20593
The Coast Guard Historian's Office maintains operational records and historical materials relating to the U.S. Coast Guard and its predecessor agencies. Their web site includes many lighthouse-related resources including the latest Light Lists issued by the Coast Guard. The Coast Guard Historian has also posted the "Teacher's Lighthouse Resource for Grades K-4, originally created by the U.S. Lighthouse Society.

Record Group 26, National Archives, Washington, DC 20408
Record Group 26 includes records of the Bureau of Lighthouses and it predecessors, 1789-1939; U.S. Coast Guard records from 1828 to 1947; as well as cartographic and audiovisual materials from 1855 to 1963. Most of the textual records are housed at the downtown National Archives located at Pennsylvania Ave. and 7th Street, NW. Lighthouse photos and plans are located at Archives II, 8601 Adelphi Road, College Park, MD 20740-6001.

Nautical Research Centre
335 Vallejo Street
Petaluma, CA 94952

Return to top of page Lighthouse Publications: Inventory of Historic Light Stations

Historic Lighthouse Preservation Handbook

National Register Bulletin 34: Guidelines for Evaluating and Documenting Historic Aids to Navigation provides information on listing a lighthouse in the National Register of Historic Places. This publication can be downloaded or is available through writing the National Register of Historic Places, National Park Service (2280), 1849 C Street, N.W., Washington, DC 20240.

CRM issue on lighthouses (volume 20, number 8) published July 1997

Return to top of page National Park Service Preservation Guidance: Preservation Briefs assist owners and developers of historic buildings in recognizing and resolving common preservation and repair problems prior to work. Prepared by the National Park Service's Technical Preservation Services.

The Secretary of the Interior's Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties, 1995, were developed to help protect our nation's irreplacable cultural resources by promoting consistent preservation practices. They apply to the maintenance, repair and replacement of historic materials, design of new additions, or alterations for historic properties.

Illustrated Guidelines for Rehabilitating Historic Buildings is guidance for applying the Secretary of the Interior's Standards for Rehabilitation. Prepared by the National Park Service's Technical Preservation Services.

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