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Special Permits and Approvals (home)

OHMSPA Functions
Similarities and Differences of Special Permits and Approvals
Current and Frequently Requested Special Permits
Required Information for Requesting a Special Permit
Required Information for Requesting an Approval

UN Third Party Certification Agencies (pdf 39KB)
The agencies listed within this document are certified to perform UN Certified 3rd party testing of non-bulk performance oriented packagings.

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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration
Special Permits and Approvals Functions

The Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration Special Permits and Approvals primary functions consist of the following.

  • Supervises and manages programs which provide authorizations or relief from the regulations.
  • Programs are divided into Special Permits, Approvals, Registrations and the Docket Section .
    • Special Permits are custom regulations addressing specific needs not provided in the regulations.
    • Approvals, currently numbering over 290, are authorizations which are specifically cited in the regulations.
    • Registrations identify members of the regulated public which participate in a defined activity.
    • The Dockets Section provides information for the public and governmental agencies and record keeping functions for OHMS.

Special Permit Activities:

New special permits �7.105 Renewals �7.109
Emergencies �7.117 Party status �7.107
Modifications �7.121 Denials �7.113(e)&(g)

Major Approval Activities:

Classification of explosives �3.56 Approval of manufacturers �3.300b
Approval of retest facilities �3.34 Approval of independent inspection agencies �3.300a
Approval of third party packaging labs �7.403 Approval of re-testers �3.34
Approval of inspection agencies �3.300a  
Registration of cargo tanks �7.503

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