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TOC\ Web Developer References\ Programming Languages 

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ADO 2.0 Programmer's Reference  - This manuscript is an abridged version of a chapter from the Wrox Press book ADO 2.0 Programmer's Reference. It discusses how ADO Remote Data Services can be used to provide fast and efficient client-side access to server-hosted data in a range of different ways.   URL:
CNET Top 10 underrated Web Building Technologies  - This is an eclectic collection. Some items made the cut because they're largely ignored by the press or by Web builders. I've recognized others because no matter how popular they are, they're even better than we realize.   URL:
MMA Technology: Developer Toolbox: Web Design Resources  - Here are some good resources for creating your own web pages. We've assembled links to some of the best sites on the Internet, including reference guides, tutorials and demos. If you find one you like, explore a little and you might find answers to some of your other questions.   URL:
ZDNET d e v h e a d: Gluing the Web Together - An Interview with Larry Wall  - The creator of Perl reveals his thoughts on Perl 5.005, XML, freeware, and making peace between Windows and Unix users. Perl 5.005; Perl and Windows; Perl and the Web; The Free-Software Concept.   URL:,4413,2133588,00.html

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This file last modified: Monday September 22, 2008  4:34 PM