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TOC\ Computers & Internet\ Software\ Web Development Software\ Macromedia Dreamweaver 

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CNET - Dreamweaver 2.0 Tips and Tricks  - Forget hand coding those multiple levels of nested TABLE tags--Dreamweaver produces quality Web pages in a visual, or Wysiwyg, environment. Of course nothing beats learning the code behind the pages, but Dreamweaver can save you precious development time by automating pesky coding tasks. But as with any tool, you need to know how to use its new features and maximize its not-so-obvious ones. These 20 tips, divided into five categories, will save you time while easing your weary coding fingers. Kim Wimpsett (4/6/99).   URL:
Dreamweaver Web Ring  - A collection of web site which offer Dreamweaver objects and behaviours!   URL:;list
Macromedia Dreamweaver: Support and Developers Center  - Advanced Dreamweaver Techniques.   URL:

Compressed ZIP Macromedia: Extending Dreamweaver - Download a printable PDF version of Extending Dreamweaver, the official documentation of the extensibility features in Dreamweaver 2, as well as demonstration files for building a DLL or shared library in C. This documentation contains detailed descriptions of the new Dreamweaver DOM, the JavaScript API functions, and the various kinds of extensibility files.  (ZIP - 177.3K)   File: Author: Macromedia

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This file last modified: Monday September 22, 2008  4:34 PM