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Grant Application Status

The following grant opportunities are closed for FY 2008:  Leadership Education in Maternal and Child Health Nutrition, Leadership Training in Nursing, Training Program for Pediatric Communication Disorders, Leadership Training in Social Work, and Developmental-Behavioral Pediatrics Training Program.
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Phase 3 - MCHB/HRSA Reviews Applications (Winter/Spring)

Winter/Spring -

  • HRSA staff review the application to assure that the applicant met the grant deadline and grant application requirements.
  • The grants office reviews the budgets and then forwards the applications to the Division of Independent Review (DIR).
  • DIR and the MCHB program office are responsible for examining the application to determine that page limits have been followed, and that the applicant is eligible to apply.
  • The DIR then convenes a panel of content experts to review and score all applications submitted in a given program area. The review panel might meet face-to-face or over the telephone.
  • The panel develops a detailed summary review that outlines the strengths and weaknesses of each application according to the review criteria; and gives each grant a score.
  • Scores are used to develop a list that ranks all applications submitted to the program area by their score.

Grant Life Cycle Phase 3
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