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Grant Application Status

The following grant opportunities are closed for FY 2008:  Leadership Education in Maternal and Child Health Nutrition, Leadership Training in Nursing, Training Program for Pediatric Communication Disorders, Leadership Training in Social Work, and Developmental-Behavioral Pediatrics Training Program.
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Grant Life Cycle

The following information is provided to assist individuals who are looking for project funding and those who already have an MCHB grant better understand the time frames and processes involved in identifying potential sources of funding, in submitting an application, and administering a funded project. This section also includes information about the process that MCHB uses to review applications, and to fund and administer approved projects.

Grant Life Cycle Phases:

  1. Identify Potential Sources of Funding (Summer/Fall)

  2. Prepare and Submit a Proposal (Fall/Winter)

  3. MCHB/HRSA Reviews Applications (Winter/Spring)

  4. MCHB/HRSA Funds Applications (Spring/Early Summer)

  5. Implement and Administer Approved Grants (Early Summer)

  6. Grant Progress Reports Due (Spring)