Home > Table 8.—Channels for Delivering Goods and Services to Foreign Markets by Nonbank U.S. MNC's, 1992

Table 8.—Channels for Delivering Goods and Services to Foreign Markets by Nonbank U.S. MNC's, 1992

[Millions of dollars]

Line 1992
Cross-border sales to unaffiliated foreigners by U.S. parents:
1 Cross-border merchandise exports 245,475
2 Less: Merchandise exports to foreign affiliates 104,679
3 Plus: Sales of services to foreigners 35,651
4 Less: Sales of services to foreign affiliates 7,290
5 Equals: Cross-border sales to unaffiliated foreigners 169,157
Sales to unaffiliated foreigners by MOFA's:
6 Total sales 1,298,532
7 Less: Sales to other foreign affiliates 220,087
8 Less: Sales to the United States 130,518
9 Equals: Sales to unaffiliated foreigners 947,927
10 Total sales to unaffiliated foreigners by U.S. MNC's (line 5 + line 9) 1,117,084
Share of total sales to unaffiliated foreigners by U.S. MNC's (percent):
11 Cross-border sales by U.S. parents ((line 5/line 10) * 100) 15
12 Sales by MOFA's ((line 9/line 10) * 100) 85

MNC Multinational company

MOFA Majority-owned foreign affiliate

Last updated: Currently Unavailable