GOES East Images

Visible channel

Visible Latest image
Infrared window channel (11 micron)

IR Latest image
Infrared water vapor channel (6.7 micron)

Water Latest image

The GOES East data is provided courtesy of NOAA's Forecast Systems Laboratory. The images are produced every 3 hours and cover the region from 25S to 45N and 110W to 30W at a spatial resolution of 0.1 x 0.1 degrees. Images from the 11 micron IR window channel, the 6.7 micron water vapor channel, and the visible channel are kept on line for a 1 week period.

Disclaimer! Minimal quality control measures are taken with the real-time data feeds. As a result, occasional bad data may contaminate the images. For this reason, these images are intended for qualitative analysis only.