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Maternal & Child Health Bureau
MCH Training Program
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Goal 6: Collaborating with Others

Develop broad-based support for MCH training.


Improve awareness among key stakeholders of the importance of MCH training.


In order to achieve all of the MCH Training Strategic Plan objectives, MCH Training Program Staff and grantees must continually foster broad based support for MCH training.  Key partners include professional associations, foundations and policymakers. 

MCH training grant recipients are powerful voices for children. They bring the latest research and knowledge into both local and national decision-making settings, and they serve as passionate child advocates, seeking to improve the health of the nation’s children.

Current Partners:

  • Association of Maternal and Child Health Programs (AMCHP)- At the state level, MCH Training programs partner with Title V staff to develop continuing education programs, partner in technical assistance and applied research projects, and to provide graduate training for Title V staff when appropriate. At the national level Training Program staff members serve on the AMCHP Workforce Development Committee.
  • National Association of County and City Health Officials (NACCHO)- Training program staff presented on a workforce development planning conference call in August 2006 and will partner with NACCHO staff and members to implement the MCH Leadership Competencies.
  • CityMatCH- A CityMatCH board member and staff member are on the MCH Leadership Competencies work group.