Who are the “Teen Friends”?


Teen Friends can be found hanging around the Tempe Public Library after school, evenings, weekends, and anytime during the summer. 

They come in various ages, shapes, sizes and colors with a variety of different interests and talents, but they have one thing in common - - they give back to the community in their own way.

teen friends members at bake sale

What do Teen Friends do?

They help plan and organize programs at the library for the teen community; help raise money to support a popular music collection; recommend titles for the teen book collection; assist with the planning and creation of a special “Teen Space” in the library; write articles for, or help edit, the TFs newsletter; help create and maintain the TFs website; volunteer in various areas of the library. 

As a member of the Teen Friends you can attend TF meetings, and/or choose to volunteer in any number of ways.

If you’d like to become more involved, you can join, or start, a committee that interests you, or run for a Board Member position during the annual elections in September.  After serving on the Board you are then eligible to run for office.

These are just some ideas - What are YOUR interests?  What would YOU like to do? YOU choose how YOU would like to be involved!


What can Teen Friends do for YOU ?

YOU have fun volunteering while fulfilling school required community service hours.

YOU learn to work in a group environment.

YOU have something positive to do with your spare time.

YOU gain leadership skills.

YOU get connected with your community.

YOU learn new things about yourself.

YOU have something impressive to put on your college and scholarship applications.

YOU learn job skills.

YOU meet new people and make new friends.

YOU truly make a difference!


Membership forms are available in the Youth Library.   

Annual Membership dues:  $5.00

For additional information call the Teen Friends @ 480-350-5598.
Leave a detailed message and a Teen Friend will return your call.