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NOAA Climate Program Office
NOAA Research
Department of Commerce
Phone: 301-427-2089
Fax: 301-427-2073

Last Updated
December 19, 2005

CLIVAR Pan American Climate Studies (PACS)

The principal goal of the CLIVAR PACS is to extend the scope and improve the skill of operational seasonal-to-interdecadal climate prediction over the Americas. Several of the important climate features of this region include the warm season rainfall and extreme weather events, such as hurricanes and torrential rain falls. The climate of the region is dominated by the intertropical convergence zones (ITCZ) over the eastern Pacific and equatorial Atlantic and by the monsoons over the land regions. Current research supported by CLIVAR PACS has the following scientific goals:
  • Identify cause-and-effect relationships for monsoon modulation on time scales from seasonal to interdecadal, including teleconnection patterns that span the Pan American region;
  • Model the structure and evolution of the eastern tropical Pacific SST field, the ITCZ/cold tongue complex and subtropical stratus cloud decks and their influence on climate over the Americas;
  • Define dynamical processes responsible for the onset, demise and character of the continental-scale monsoon over South America.

Meetings and Events

  • First CPPA PIs Meeting (August 14-18, 2006, Flagstaff, AZ


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