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ESI Coverage in Alaska

Find out what regions in Alaska have been mapped using the Environmental Sensitivity Index (ESI) method and download detailed information about each ESI atlas.

Regional Coverage and Available Formats • top

The table below lists the Alaska regions for which ESI maps have been produced and the various formats that are available (indicated by a checkmark).
Note: Some regions may be covered in more than one ESI atlas. Check the atlas indexes to see the exact areas that are included in each atlas.

Atlas Publication DatePDFArc
Aleutian Islands - 2001Available.Available.Available.Available.Available.Available.Available.
Bristol Bay - 2004Available.Available.Available.Available.Available.Available.Available.
Cook Inlet & Kenai Peninsula Summary Maps* - 2002Available.Available.Available.Available.Available.Available.Not available.
Kodiak Island & Shelikof Strait Summary Maps* - 1997Available.Available.Available.Available.Available.Available.Not available.
North Slope - 2005Available.Available.Available.Available.Available.Available.Not available.
Northwest Arctic - 2002Available.Available.Available.Available.Available.Available.Not available.
Norton Sound &
Pribilof Islands - 1983
Not available.Not available.Not available.Not available.Not available.Available.Not available.
Prince William Sound - 2000Available.Available.Available.Available.Available.Available.Available.
Southeast Alaska - 1992
(with some updates in 2001)
Available.Available.Available.Available.Available.Available.Not available.
Western Alaska - 2003Available.Available.Available.Available.Available.Available.Not available.
* ESI summary maps don't include the same level of detailed information found on typical ESI atlas maps. For example, fewer species may be mapped, or only the most sensitive shoreline types may be shown. See the metadata for more details.

Information About the Data in Each Atlas • top
Metadata provides identifying information about an ESI atlas, including what items/regions were mapped, shoreline type definitions, data sources and providers, and geographic reference information. Below are the PDF versions of the metadata for the Alaska ESI atlases.

Note: For atlases published since 2002, we generally provide metadata in additional formats (HTML, SGML, and TXT) on the CD/DVDs, which you can order from the Get ESI Maps page.
List of Maps Included in Each Atlas • top
Each ESI atlas is composed of several maps covering the region. The files below provide an index for each Alaska atlas showing the number and location of the ESI maps included.
  • Prince William Sound (2000) Index The DVD version of this atlas also includes PDF versions of four seasonal ESI summary maps from 2001.
    (Document format: PDF, size: 120.3 K)
Overview Fact Sheets for Each Atlas CD/DVD • top
The documents below provide a brief introduction to ESI mapping and a description of the files that are available on the CD/DVD version of each Alaska ESI atlas. You can order a CD/DVD from the Get ESI Maps page.

AvailabilityAlaskaAtlantic CoastFlorida & GOMGreat LakesIslands & InternationalPacific Coast
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