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Director: Margaret Davidson

[Photo of Margaret Davidson]

The director of the NOAA Coastal Services Center is no stranger to the coast or its many challenges.

Before joining the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Margaret A. Davidson was executive director of the South Carolina Sea Grant Consortium from 1983 to 1995. Prior to that, she served as special counsel and assistant attorney general for the Louisiana Department of Justice.

An active participant in coastal resource management issues since 1978, Davidson earned her juris doctorate (J.D. degree) in natural resources law from Louisiana State University. She later earned a master's degree in marine policy and resource economics from the University of Rhode Island.

Davidson holds a faculty appointment at the University of Charleston and serves on the adjunct faculties of Clemson University and the University of South Carolina.

She has served on numerous local, state, and federal committees and has provided leadership for national professional societies. She has focused her professional work on environmentally sustainable aquaculture, mitigation of coastal hazards, and impacts of climate variability on coastal resources. Davidson served as the acting assistant administrator for NOAA's National Ocean Service from 2000 through 2002.

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