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Draft Management Plan Released and Public Comment Period extended to October 3, 2008

Click here to view the plan and learn how to get involved.

Click here for a short guide to the plan.

Our mission is to conserve, protect and enhance the biological diversity, ecological integrity and cultural legacy of the sanctuary while facilitating compatible use.

Atlas Poster


The sanctuary announces the availability of its newest poster -- a 24" x 36" map of the sanctuary and adjacent coastal zone.  Individual copies of the poster can be picked up from sanctuary headquarters in Scituate, Mass. or at one of our education partners. There is no charge for the poster.

Click here for a list of locations.





Three-Day Kayak Paddle Successfully Completed. Effort Raises Awareness of the Stellwagen Bank Sanctuary

Sanctuary Advisory Council Recruitment
SBNMS will be seeking applicants for the newly vacant Conservation (Member) and the At-large (Alternate) seats. Click here for recruitment documents.

Condition Report - A Condition Report that rates the status of Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary resources has been released by the National Marine Sanctuary Program. Click here for press release.
Click here for the full text of the Condition Report.

Marine Art Contest Winners
Click here to see winners and honorable mentions from this years contest.

“Megapclicks” — a series of clicks and buzzes from humpback whales apparently associated with nighttime feeding behaviors — have been recorded in and around the sanctuary. The study is the first to document baleen whales producing this type of sound, normally associated with toothed whales and echolocation. Click here for a press release about this research project. Click here to hear a recording of the "megapclicks." Click here for a visualization of a "megapclicks" feeding session.

David Wiley received the 2007 Human Hero Award from the Massachusetts Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (MSPCA). The award was presented on 11 October at a ceremony at the Kennedy Library, Boston MA. Approximately 500 people were in attendance. The award was for his efforts to reduce the serious injury or mortality to endangered whales through movement of the Boston shipping lanes that pass through the sanctuary.
The Stellwagen Bank and Marine Mammal Sanctuary of the Dominican Republic sign sister sanctuary agreement. Click here for press release
News Updated August 18, 2008
  Check today's weather and sea conditions in and near the sanctuary.   Visit one of the sanctuary's exhibits or take a virtual tour.

Hear sounds made by humans and whales in the marine environment.  

Special Reports

Stellwagen Bank, the birthplace of whale watching on the east coast attracts a variety of marine mammals and thousands of human visitors. Find out more about watching whales in the sanctuary. Stellwagen Bank was named one of the world's Top 10 Whale Watching Sites according to USA Today (May 24, 2007). The photo accompanying the article was of a breaching humpback whale in the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary. Visit our Whale Watching section to find out more about whale watching in the sanctuary and to view a list of whale watching companies that offer trips into the sanctuary.

Management Plan

The management plan has been released. Click here to find out more about this process.

Photo Credits for Section Pages

The Sanctuary Advisory Council provides important insights into sanctuary issues as well as advice to the superintendent.
Click here to view a list of the council membership.



Revised August 18, 2008 by Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary Web Group
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