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Package : STARPAC

A Fortran subprogram library for statistical data analysis. Its primary
applications are time series and nonlinear least squares analysis, but it also
includes subprograms for normal random number generation, line printer plots,
basic statistical analysis, and linear least squares regression. STARPAC
emphasizes the statistical interpretation of computed results.
Type         : Subprogram library
Portability   : Portable
Availability : Public domain
Language     : Fortran
Reference    : J.R. Donaldson and P.V. Tryon. User's Guide to STARPAC, The
               Standards Time Series and Regression Package. NIST, Boulder,
               CO, 1987.
Developer    : J.R. Donaldson and P.V. Tryon, National Institute of Standards
               and Technology, Boulder, CO
Distributor  : J.R. Donaldson, NIST, Mail Stop 719, 325 Broadway, Boulder, CO
               80303-3328 (FTS 320-5114 or 303-497-5114)
On sites     : (1) ITL (2) ARNO

Implementation data for ITL

ITL     : Unix Workstation Network, National Institute of Standards and
          Technology (NIST), Gaithersburg, MD. Available to NIST staff.
Version : 2.08
Support : Supported
Access available only to NIST staff on internal Unix systems. They may access this
package provided the /itl tree is cross-mounted.
   Link          : f77 myprog myprog.f -lstarpac
   Source        : help packages starpac How-To-Get
   Manual        : help Package starpac Manuals Manual

Implementation data for ARNO

ARNO    : Silicon Graphics Origin 2000, National Institute of Standards and
          Technology (NIST), Gaithersburg, MD. Available to NIST staff.
Version : 2.08
Support : Supported
Those logged in to arno.nist.gov or amur.nist.gov may access this package as
   Link          : See starpac man page.

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