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1958 Metro campaign poster

History of King County's Regional Wastewater Treatment Utility


kids on beach space

Forty years ago, Lake Washington was too polluted for swimming.

Car in pipe space Man in pipe

In one of the first and largest environmental cleanups in history, people voted to save the lake by building a sewage treatment system.

Adults on beach

Now, Lake Washington is one of the cleanest urban lakes in the world.

History | Current Wastewater System | The Problem
The Solution | The Future

RWSP Home | Library/Resources | Tutorial | Contact Us

mail image For questions about the Wastewater Treatment Division Web site, please send an e-mail message. For general information about the division, contact us at:

Department of Natural Resources and Parks
Wastewater Treatment Division
201 S. Jackson St., Suite 505
Seattle, WA 98104-3855
Phone: 206-684-1280
Fax: 206-684-1741
Telecommunication device for the deaf (TTY): 711

Updated: Oct. 2, 2007


Related Information:
System Planning

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