Tempe Public Library Electronic Resources
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Business & Company Resource Center
Company profiles, brand information, rankings, investment reports, company histories, chronologies, and periodicals

Business in Tempe
Wide range of information and services provided to businesses by the City of Tempe

Companies and Organizations Internet Bookmark
A list of company and organization web sites of interest

Economics & Business in Oxford Reference
Dictionaries of Business, Accounting, Finance

General Business File ASAP
Company performance and activity

Job Hunting Internet Bookmark
A list of web sites related to job hunting

Company information and news articles from national newspapers

Personal and Business Forms (Forms on File)
Printable business, government, personal, and tax forms

Phone Books on the Internet
Business and people listings, reverse lookup, and other directories for finding telephone numbers

Reference USA
Information on businesses and people

SIRS Researcher
Student reference, social issues, health, science, and business

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