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Albuquerque - Official City Website

Campaign Reporting

Each Measure Finance Committee, which either receives contributions or expends funds in an amount that equals or exceeds $250 in aid of or opposition to the qualification for the ballot or for voter approval or disapproval of one or more measures, and each candidate shall file with the Board of Ethics four statements, each of which shall be cumulative. Important Links relating to Campaign Reporting are City Charter - Articles 12 Leaving, click for disclaimer and Article 13. Leaving, click for disclaimer

Please note the following:

  • The accuracy and timeliness of this information remains the sole responsibility of the Candidate or the Chairperson of a Measure Finance Committee.
  • The Candidate or the Chairperson of a Measure Finance Committee may enter, edit or amend current or previous period's statements and bears the responsibility of finalizing (submitting) all statements. This is not considered public information until it is finalized (submitted).
  • Once the Candidate or the Chairperson of a Measure Finance Committee finalizes their data submission, the reports will include any amendments and/or late filings from previous General Statements, Quarterly Statements, and Runoff statements.

Status of Reports

Campaign Data last updated for: Quarterly Statement Period for January 15, 2008

Standard Reports

2008 FEC Filings

2007 FEC Filings


Advanced Reporting

The City Clerk provides you with access to all information submitted by Candidates and Measure Finance Committees as required by the City of Albuquerque's Election Code. Leaving, click for disclaimer

The tools listed below allow you to explore Campaign Reporting information from a variety of unique perspectives. You can save information in many formats, including spreadsheet and .pdf files. About PDF Files

Online help Leaving, click for disclaimer is also provided. You should deactivate any internet browser pop-up blockers Leaving, click for disclaimer when looking at these reports.

Questions? Contact the City of Albuquerque Webmaster or call 311 (505-768-2000 from outside the local calling area)..

Campaign Reporting: Election Year 2001

The following spreadsheets were generated from the candidate reports submitted by hardcopy during the 2001 Election. They are provided in Microsoft Excel format for downloading. Although not part of the Campaign Reporting database, we hope to insert them into the database at some time in the future. Please direct any questions you have regarding these spreadsheets to the City Clerk's Office at 768-3030.


Candidate or Committee Position
John Carreathers City Council District 3
Alan Armijo Mayor
Bob Schwartz Mayor
Daniel Sandoval City Council District 1
Daniel Serrano City Council District 1
Eric Griego City Council District 3
James B. Lewis Mayor
Jeff Armijo City Council District 5
Jesse A. Lopez City Council District 3
Jim R. Baca Mayor
Adele Baca Hundley City Council District 3
Richard W. Homans Mayor
Kermit D. Vincent Mayor
Leroy Orlando City Council District 1
Martin J. Chavez Mayor
Michael Brasher City Council District 9
Michael Cadigan City Council District 5
Miquel Gomez City Council District 1
Mike McEntee Mayor
Ray Michael S. Costales City Council District 7
Kenneth Herrera City Council District 1
Vic Segura City Council District 1
Sally Mayer City Council District 7
Sander A Rue City Council District 5
Tim Kline City Council District 7
Tina Cummins City Council District 9
Robert E. Romero City Council District 3

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