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Albuquerque - Official City Website

Division of the Office of Administrative Hearings

Robert M. White, City Attorney/Director, Legal Department

Roberto Albertorio, Esq., Chief Administrative Hearing Officer

Tom Rojas, Administrator, Office of Administrative Hearings


The First Galleria Building

200 3rd Street NW, Suite 735

North Towers

Albuquerque, New Mexico 87102

(505) 768-4700


The Office of Administrative Hearings provides due process for the public by conducting independent hearings for the City of Albuquerque.  It provides the public with a means to appeal an agency decision or a administrative citation and to have the decision reviewed in a prompt manner by an independent Administrative Hearing Officer who issues written Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law, and an Order based on the evidence provided at a hearing.


Our primary mission is to hold fair and independent hearings and issue timely and sound decisions.  Continuous improvement and progress will be made in continuing to create and operate a centralized office to conduct administrative hearing for the following areas:



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