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Parents & Caregivers

Safety : en Español

Keeping your daughter safe is most likely one of your top concerns. You can help keep your daughter safe by setting and enforcing rules and by teaching her about the dangers she may face. The resources in this section will help you learn more about the types of dangers your daughter may face, including youth gangs, dating violence, and Internet predators. Quizzes in this section can be a fun way for your daughter to learn about safety.

Featured articles

  1. Federal resource  Know What Your Child is Doing on the Internet
  2. School Violence and the News
  3. Adobe PDF document Teen Dating Violence Facts (Copyright © ABA) (PDF - 49KB)

Web sites

mother and daughter at computer
  1. Federal resource Safety - We have created the section on safety to help adolescent girls learn more about some of the unique health issues and social situations they will encounter during the teen years. This section provides information, resources, and links to help your daughter learn more about safety.
  2. Federal resource Kidz Privacy - Adults Only - This web site by the Federal Trade Commission offers important Internet privacy tips for parents and children. This links goes to the section for adults.
  3. Federal resource Teen Summer Jobs: Safety Pays - Summer is a time millions of teens work. Use this web site to get information on how to keep your teen safe while he or she is on the job.
  4. The CyberTipline is a partnership between The National Center for Missing and Exploited Children and the Federal Bureau of Investigation, U.S. Customs Service, the U.S. Postal Inspection Service, and state and local law enforcement in Internet Crimes against Children Task Forces. To report information about child pornography and the online enticement of children, parents can log on or call the Tipline at 1-800-843-5678.
  5. School and Community Safety - This site from the National Education Association's Health Information Network provides support to teachers and parents who are working to help make public school safe for all children.


  1. Federal resource  A Parent's Guide to Internet Safety - This on-line publication discusses the complexities of child exploitations through telecommunication technology.
  2. Federal resource  Risk and Protective Factors for Youth Violence - This publication discusses the prevalence of violence in the US among teens and and what you can do to prevent it.
  3. Federal resource  Rules in Cyberspace - This on-line publication from the U.S. Department of Justice has a list of Internet safety steps that children and teens should follow.
  4. Children’s Medicine Safety (Copyright © BCBS) - This publication explains how to avoid serious harm to your child by learning about taking medicines safely. Tips are given on how to educate your family about medicine safety and handling emergency situations.
  5. Hidden Dangers of the Internet - A Guide for Parents (Copyright © Safe Network) - This publication provides helpful information for parents on the DOs and DON'Ts of internet use by children and adolescents.
  6. Teen Driving (Copyright © NSC) - This fact sheet explains how motor vehicle crashes are the number one cause of death for teens age 15 to 19. This site will help you help your teen stay safe on the road.


  1. Federal resource  National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, CDC, OPHS, HHS
  2. Federal resource  National Youth Violence Prevention Resource Center
  3. Federal resource  U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission
  4. Children's Safety Network National Injury and Violence Prevention Resource Center, MCHB, HRSA, OPHS, HHS
  6. Love Our Children USA
  7. National Center for Missing & Exploited Children
  8. National Education Association's (NEA) Health Information Network
  9. National Youth Gang Center


Federal resource = This article, publication, web site, or organization is from the U.S. government.

Content last updated November 11, 2007

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Office on Women's Health.
