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Related Projects:
   Coastal Gradients of Flow, Salinity and Nutrients
   Freshwater Flows to Northeastern FL Bay
   Hydrologic Monitoring in Joe Bay
   SW FL Coastal & Wetland Systems Monitoring



Hydrology Data

FISC Ft. Lauderdale

Coastal Gradients, Florida Bay, and Southwest Coast station location maps

NAD 1983 UTM Zone 17N Projection

map of south Florida showing areas of extentSouthwest CoastSouthwest CoastFlorida BayCoastal GradientsCoastal Gradients
north arrow
Legend for station location mapsSouthwest CoastFlorida BayCoastal Gradients

[click on a name in the Legend box to go to that map below]

Data are available as Comma Separated Values (.csv) for most of the sites seen on the location maps below. Click on a site to go to the Data page to download the data for that site.

Coastal Gradients

Location map showing Coastal Gradients sitesEden 3Manatee Bay CreekC-111 WetlandCard Sound CanalCard Sound CanalTaylor Slough WetlandSeven Palm LakeUpstream North RiverHarney RiverBottle CreekUpstream Broad RiverUpstream Lostmans River

Florida Bay

Location map showing Florida Bay sitesEast CreekEast CreekJewfish CreekEast Highway CreekEast Highway CreekWest Highway CreekWest Highway CreekOregon CreekOregon CreekStillwater CreekStillwater CreekJoe Bay 1EJoe Bay 1EJoe Bay 2EJoe Bay 2EJoe Bay 5CJoe Bay 5CTrout CreekTrout CreekJoe Bay 8WJoe Bay 8WMud CreekMud CreekUpstream Taylor RiverTaylor RiverTaylor RiverUpstream Taylor RiverMcCormick Creek

SW Coast

Location map showing Southwest coast sitesNorth RiverShark RiverBroad RiverLostmans RiverChatham RiverNew RiverLopez RiverTurner RiverBarron River

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U.S. Department of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey
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Comments and suggestions? Contact: Heather Henkel - Webmaster
Last updated: 13 May, 2008 @ 09:46 AM(KP)