Importance of Richmond and Battle of Richmond, LA
June 15, 1863


The small town of Richmond (then the seat of government of Madison Parish) sat astride a important Confederate supply route over which the Vicksburg garrison received large quantities of foodstuffs from the region between the Mississippi and Tensas rivers. That supply line was cut as Grant's army began its push south from Milliken's Bend.

Following the engagement at Milliken's bend on June 7, Grant redeployed Brig. Gen. Joseph Mower's "Eagle Brigade"* from the Vicksburg area to Young's Point. (*The brigade contained the Eighth Wisconsin Infantry the mascot of which unit was a bald eagle named "Old Abe".) Coupled with Brig. Gen. Alfred V. Ellet's Mississippi Marine Brigade, the Federal force was to drive Walker's Texans from Richmond. The Federals rendezvoused at Lum's Depot and advanced on Richmond with the marines in the lead.

One mile north of this point, the Federal advanced was contested by skirmishers from the Eighteenth Texas. The Texans held the marines at bay until Mower's troops arrived and formed line of battle at which time they fell back to this position behind Roundaway Bayou. For the next hour a spirited artillery duel ensued as the Federals sought to cross the bayou west of this point and flank the Confederates. In the meantime, Walker was informed that his wagons had cleared the area and ordered his troops to withdraw. Union troops then crossed the bayou and burned the town. Union losses were one killed and 11 wounded. Five Confederates were killed and 25 taken prisoner.


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Last update: Friday, November 05, 1999
Editor: G. Zeman