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Battles in the Vicksburg Campaign List of Maps Directions to Vicksburg Vicksburg National Cemetery Interactive Park Map Vicksburg Area
Area Maps pk_fldr.gif (2709 bytes)
Park Map, interactive map of Vicksburg National Military Park
Park Tour Map
Adobe Acrobat PDF
May 1999 screen-viewable file (165k)
Park Tour Map
Adobe Illustrator 6.0
May 1999 print production file (521k)
Park Map, Shaded Relief
March 1999 Full resolution file (941k)
Official NPS Park Brochure .jpg images
Park Map (218k)  
Park Map (current and former park property) (345k) 
South Confederate Avenue (former park property, 124k)
Grant's Canal (Madison Parish, Louisiana, 153k)
About your visit/Tourstops  (622k)
Campaign for Vicksburg (text and map)  (483k)
Campaign Map  (209k)
Federal Occupation of Vicksburg (text)  (187k)
Legacy from the Past, the U.S.S. Cairo (265k)
Full Park Map and Text **(1018k)**
Vicksburg Area Map
Location Map
National Cemetery Maps
Vicksburg Campaign Maps:   Large Format,
 800 x 600 pixels
   Vicksburg Campaign Map
Adobe Acrobat PDF
March 1999 screen-viewable area map (52k)
   Vicksburg Campaign Map
Adobe Illustrator 6.0
March 1999 print production file (104k)
     Start of Vicksburg Campaign, March 29, 1863  97k   144k     
     Vicksburg is the Key, the Strategic Situation, Fall 1862   90k   101k
     Louisiana Bayou Expedition, March 29-April 29, 1863  101k   148k     
     Crossing at Bruinsburg, April 29-30, 1863    104k   150k   
     Grant's March, Battle of Port Gibson, May 1, 1863   101k   147k      
     Battle of Port Gibson, May 1, 1863, 0815-1000 hours   95k   126k 
     Battle of Port Gibson, May 1, 1863, 1100-1600 hours   100k
     Battle of Port Gibson, May 1, 1863, 1630-1730 hours   105k   151k 
     Grant's March Inland,  May 7, 1863   102k  152k  
     Grant's March Inland, May 11, 1863   102k   113k   
     Battle of Raymond, May 12, 1863    106k   145k  
     Battle of Raymond, Confederate Attack,
            May 12, 1863, 1200-1330 hours 99k
     Battle of Raymond, Union Counterattack,
           May 12, 1863, 1330-1430 hours 
     Grant's March, Battle of Jackson, May 14    108k   111k
     Battle of Jackson, May 14, 1863    102k   165k    
     Grant's March, Battle of Champion Hill, 
   May 16, 1863  116k
     Battle of Champion Hill, Union Attack,
           May 16, 1863, 1030-1300 hours 117k
     Battle of Champion Hill, Confederate Counterattack, 
          May 16, 1300-1515 hours 131k
     Battle of Champion Hill, Confederate Withdrawal, 
          May 16, 1600-1730 hours 
     Grant's March, May 17, 1863    111k   165k
     Battle of the Big Black River Bridge, May 17, 1863   109k   148k
     First Union Assault, May 19, 1863   97k   134k 
     Second Union Assault, May 22, 1863   99k   147k
     Stockade Redan, May 19-July 4, 1863    113k   144k     
     Vicksburg Surrenders, July 4, 1863    94k   166k

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Last update: Friday, February 16, 2001
Editor: G. Zeman



USS Cairo Gunboat and Museum

U.S.S. Cairo Gunboat and Museum Museum artifacts on display Gunboat Exhibit Crew List of U.S.S. Cairo