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Parents & Caregivers

September, 2007

As kids get into the swing of the new school year, here are some articles to help your family contend with the challenges and changes it can bring.


Genital Warts
Genital warts, often called venereal warts, are contracted through sexual contact. They're spread by direct, skin-to-skin contact during vaginal, anal, or oral sex with an infected person.

In the News: Teen Driving Restrictions Save Lives
Many states have implemented graduated driver licensing programs. According to a study, the most comprehensive graduated driver licensing programs offer teens the most protection from fatal crashes.

For Teens: What Stresses You Out About School?
Find out what our teen readers said about how they handle back-to-school worries and share with your teen.

Fitness & Nutrition

Healthy Food Shopping
What you put in the grocery cart can affect your child's health and attitude toward nutritious food.

Healthy Drinks for Kids
There's a lot of talk about getting kids to eat healthy, but what about getting them to drink healthy? What a child drinks can drastically affect the amount of calories consumed, as well as the amount of calcium needed to build strong bones.

Motivating Kids to Be Active
Parents can help instill a love of activity and help kids make it a part of their everyday routine.

Emotions & Behavior

Tips for Divorcing Parents
No step-by-step manual can give you a guarantee on how to raise kids blissfully through divorce. Every situation - and every family - is different. There are, however, some commonsense guidelines that may make adjustment a little bit easier.

In the News: Dating Violence in Teens a Growing Concern
Dating violence isn't limited to adults, according to researchers who studied dating violence among U.S. teens - 1 in 11 of the teens reported being hit, slapped, or hurt by a boyfriend or girlfriend in the year prior to the survey.

For Teens: Abusive Relationships
Abuse - physical, emotional, or sexual - has no place in love. Read this article to find out how to recognize the signs of abuse in yourself or a friend and how you can get help.

Allergies & Asthma

School and Asthma
An estimated 9 million kids under age 18 have asthma and 14 million days of school are missed each year because of the condition. But well-managed asthma is far less likely to result in a sick day.

In the News: Kids With Asthma Often Fail to Get Flu Shots
Even though it's long been recommended that kids with asthma receive the flu vaccine because of their increased risk of flu-related complications, many miss this important immunization, according to researchers.

In the News: Treating Allergic Reactions at School
Severe, life-threatening allergic reactions sometimes require treatment in the classroom, on the playground, or on field trips, and parents may neglect to inform school officials of kids' severe allergies, say researchers.


School and Diabetes
If your child with diabetes attends school, you'll need to discuss your child's condition with teachers, school staff, and coaches. Learn more about school and diabetes in this article.

For Kids: Blood Glucose Record
Some kids who have diabetes need to regularly check their blood sugar levels. This form can help you keep track of the readings.

For Teens: When Blood Sugar Is Too High
For people with diabetes, controlling blood sugar levels is important. Having a blood sugar level that's too high can make your teen feel lousy, and having high blood sugar levels a lot can be unhealthy.

General Health

Back to School
Whether the summer was jam-packed with activities from start to finish, or filled with complaints that they were bored to tears with nothing to do, many kids of all ages have a hard time making the transition from pool to school.

Evaluate Your Child's Lyme Disease Risk
Is the threat of Lyme disease making you think that your child would be safer in the comfort of your climate-controlled living room rather than the great outdoors? Take some time to consider your child's Lyme disease risk.

Sibling Rivalry
As upsetting as it can be for a parent, conflict between siblings is very common. Luckily, you can take steps to help your kids get along.

We Hope You Enjoyed Our Newsletter

Stay tuned for next month's Growing Great Girls newsletter filled with articles about Halloween and how to keep your family healthy during the coming cold-weather months.

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Important Note: All information is for educational purposes only. For specific medical advice, diagnoses, and treatment, consult your doctor.

Content last updated March 15, 2008

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Office on Women's Health.
