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Evidence Based Public Health

E-Road Map to Evidence-based Public Health Practice
A step by step guide to evidence-based public health concepts, skills, and practice.
Assess Now
Assess Now
Provides public health staff with information, tools, and resources to improve the practice of community health assessment. The website includes links to assessment toolkits, data, and community health publications from across Washington State.
Health Evidence Canada
Health Evidence Canada
An online registry of systematic reviews on the effectiveness of public health and health promotion interventions.
  • Cancer Control PLANET
    Links to comprehensive cancer control resources for public health professionals. Browse by topic area or explore their 5 step system for developing a comprehensive cancer control plan or program.

  • Cochrane Library
    Consists of a regularly updated collection of evidence-based medicine databases. Access to full text is restricted to those affiliated with the UW Health Sciences Libraries.

  • Cochrane Reviews of Relevance to Health Promotion and Public Health
    Promotes the production and use of systematic reviews of effectiveness of health promotion and public health interventions, and directs individuals to other sources of systematic reviews when topics have not been covered in the Cochrane Library.

  • Database of Abstracts of Reviews of Effects (DARE)
    DARE, one of the databases included on the Cochrane Library, contains summaries of systematic reviews on a broad range of health and social care topics.

  • The Effective Public Health Practice Project
    Effective Public Health Practice Project (EPHPP) is a key initiative of the Public Health Research, Education and Development Program (PHRED) in Ontario, Canada. The website lists a number of summaries and reviews on effective public health interventions.

  • EPPI (Evidence for Policy and Practice Information)
    Addresses the need for a systematic approach to the organization and review of evidence-based work on social interventions. They provide links to reviews, tools, and databases related to health education and promotion.

  • Evidence Based Health Promotion
    The state government of Victoria, Australia has developed this series of evidence-based health promotion planning resources; topics include oral health, fall prevention, and child injury prevention.

  • Evidenced Based Medicine Glossary
    A useful glossary of evidence based medicine terms.

  • Guide to Clinical Preventive Services
    Preventive measures, including screening tests, counseling, immunizations, and preventive medications, evaluated by the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force. Clinical categories include cancer, injury and violence, mental health conditions and substance abuse, among others.

  • Guide to Community Preventive Services
    Provides a summary of what is known about the effectiveness, economic efficiency, and feasibility of interventions to promote community health and prevent disease.

  • HP2010 Information Access Project
    Provides one-click, pre-formulated searches of PubMed for selected Healthy People 2010 focus areas. Topics include maternal, infant and child health, immunization and infectious diseases, injury and violence prevention, and many others.

  • MMRW Recommendations and Reports
    The MMWR Recommendations and Reports contains in-depth articles that relay policy statements for prevention and treatment across the entire range of CDC's scope of responsibility (e.g., recommendations from the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices).

  • Model Practices Database (National Association of County and City Health Officials (NACCHO):
    This NACCHO database highlights model public health practices organized by state and topic area.

  • National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence Public Health Evidence Briefings
    Includes evidence briefings on topics such as accidental injury, HIV prevention, physical activity, and prevention of sexually transmitted infections.

  • National Quality Measures Clearinghouse
    A public repository for evidence-based quality measures and measure sets.

  • Quality Tools
    A clearinghouse for practical, ready-to-use tools for measuring and improving the quality of health care. Featured resources include the 2005 The National Healthcare Disparities Report.

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Updated: Wednesday, May 28, 2008 at 10:19 AM

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