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Body Mass Index Calculator

Find out your Body Mass Index (BMI) and what it means.

Choose your age:

Enter your weight, in pounds.
(For example, 110)

Enter your height, in inches.
(For example, 62, instead of 5ft 2in)

This calculator is designed only for girls between 10 and 16 who are not pregnant.

Make sure to talk with your doctor about your BMI.

To help understand your BMI number, look at Mary's BMI Chart, below.

Mary's BMI Chart

Body mass index (BMI) is a measure of your body fat based on your height and weight. After entering her height (60 inches) and weight (90 pounds) into the BMI calculator, Mary learned that her BMI is 18. She found her age (13) at the bottom of the graph and her BMI on the left side of the graph. Where the two points meet, at the pink star, shows that Mary's BMI is within a range that is healthy for her height and weight.

Now, you can print a blank copy of the BMI graph, where you can record your own information.

Not everyone who has a BMI in the range labeled "healthy weight" is at his or her most healthy weight. Some may have lots of fat and little muscle. A BMI above the appropriate weight range is less healthy for many people, but may be fine if you have lots of muscle and little fat. A BMI below the appropriate weight range may still be ok or it could mean that you are not getting the nutrients your body needs to develop and function at its best. Your BMI may change over time (depending on where you are in your development), so you may want to track it over a period of months. Your health care provider can help you determine the healthiest weight and BMI for you.

The formula used for BMI calculation on this page is:
BMI = ( weight in pounds ÷ (height in inches)² ) x 703

Content last updated July 3, 2007

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Office on Women's Health.
