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Picture of Miriam K. HughesBIOGRAPHY

Miriam K. Hughes
Ambassador, Federated States of Micronesia
Term of Appointment: 08/02/2007 to present

Miriam (“Mimi”) Hughes, a member of the Senior Foreign Service of the U.S. Department of State, was sworn in as the seventh U.S. Ambassador to the Federated States of Micronesia on August 2, 2007.

Ambassador Hughes, who holds the rank of Minister-Counselor, has built a career spanning more than 29 years of experience in a variety of diplomatic policy, consular and management positions. She most recently served as Deputy United States Representative to the Economic and Social Council of the U. S. Mission to the United Nations. From 2005-2007 at USUN, she led a dynamic staff handling a wide range of multilateral negotiations on economic, development, social and human rights issues. Her team strongly advocated sustainable development, good governance and environmental protection in the global arena.

Prior to her UN service, Ambassador Hughes served as Director of the Office of Policy, Public and Congressional Affairs in the State Department’s Bureau of International Organization Affairs. Earlier in her career, she served as U.S. Consul General in Mexico City and as Principal Officer of the U.S. Consulate General in Thessaloniki, Greece. Her other past diplomatic postings include Santo Domingo, Quito, Bangkok, and London. In Thailand, Ms. Hughes monitored and reported on conditions in UN refugee camps for Cambodians and Vietnamese. In Greece, she promoted U.S. interests and business opportunities and analyzed emerging trends in the Balkans.

Ambassador Hughes was born in New York City and received her bachelor’s degree from Barnard College of Columbia University in Manhattan, New York. She speaks Spanish and Greek. Before joining the U.S. Foreign Service, Ms. Hughes worked as a journalist with United Press International.

Released on September 6, 2007

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