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David M. Satterfield
Senior Adviser, Coordinator for Iraq
Term of Appointment: 08/01/2006 to present

Ambassador David M. Satterfield became Senior Advisor to the Secretary of State and Coordinator for Iraq in August 2006, following his service as Deputy Chief of Mission at Embassy Baghdad from May 2005 until July 2006. Prior to Iraq, he was Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for the Bureau of Near Eastern Affairs from June 2004 until May 2005 and Deputy Assistant Secretary for the previous three years.  He was Ambassador to Lebanon from September 1998 to June 2001. A career member of the Senior Foreign Service, Ambassador Satterfield served on the National Security Council Staff from 1993 to 1996 as Director for Near Eastern and South Asian Affairs and held the position of Director of the Department of State’s Office of Israel and Arab-Israeli Affairs from 1996 to 1998.

David Satterfield entered the Foreign Service in 1980, and has served overseas in Jeddah, Tunis, Beirut, and Damacus. In addition to other State Department assignments in the Bureau of Near Eastern and South Asian Affairs and the Bureau of Intelligence and Research, he was Director of the Executive Secretariat Staff 1990 to 1993. Ambassador Satterfield is the recipient of the Presidential Meritorious Executive Rank Award, the Department of State Distinguished Honor Award, Department Senior Performance Awards, and six Department of State Superior Honor Awards, notably for his work on the Middle East peace process.

Ambassador Satterfield was born in Baltimore, Maryland. He attended the University of Maryland and Georgetown University. He speaks Arabic and French.

Released on November 21, 2006

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