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Picture of Philip S. GoldbergBIOGRAPHY

Philip S. Goldberg
Ambassador, Bolivia
Term of Appointment: 09/22/2006 to present

On September 10, 2008, the Bolivian Government expelled Ambassador Goldberg, after declaring him Persona Non Grata.

U.S. President George W. Bush officially nominated Philip S. Goldberg as Ambassador to Bolivia. His nomination was confirmed by the U.S. Senate on August 3, 2006.

Philip S. Goldberg served as Chief of Mission in Pristina, Kosovo (2004-2006) and as Deputy Chief of Mission at the U.S. Embassy in Santiago, Chile (2001-2004).

Ambassador Goldberg, a career member of the U.S. Senior Foreign Service, served from January-June 2001 as acting Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Legislative Affairs. He came to that position after having been a senior member of the State Department team handling the transition from the Clinton to Bush Administrations.

Mr. Goldberg served as Special Assistant (1996-1998) and then Executive Assistant (1998-2000) to the Deputy Secretary of State. From 1994-1996 Mr. Goldberg was the Department’s Bosnia Desk Officer and a Special Assistant to Ambassador Richard Holbrooke. In the latter capacity, he was a member of the American negotiating team in the lead-up to the Dayton Peace Conference and Chief of Staff for the American Delegation at Dayton.

Mr. Goldberg has served overseas as a consular and political officer at the U.S. Embassy in Bogota, Colombia, and political-economic officer in Pretoria, South Africa.

Before joining the Foreign Service, Mr. Goldberg worked for several years as a liaison officer between the City of New York and the United Nations and consular community. Mr. Goldberg is a native of Boston, Massachusetts, and a graduate of Boston University. He speaks fluent Spanish.

Released on September 22, 2006

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