King County AIMs High: Annual Indicators & Measures

What is the state of the county? How is our air, our economy, our infrastructure? Are we safe and healthy? Do all residents have the same access and opportunities? The King County AIMs High website uses community indicators, such as streamwater quality and motor vehicle theft, to give you glimpses into these issues and more.

Drill down from the community indicators to find out How is King County government's performance? The website explores how King County influences community conditions and meets its goals using performance measures.

Letter from the County Executive

King County Executive Ron Sims

Ron Sims
King County Executive

Welcome to the King County AIMs High website! This site is designed to help you understand social, economic, and environmental conditions throughout the county and what King County government is doing to improve those conditions. Measuring performance is a hallmark of good governance in the 21st century and one that I am proud to champion. I hope you find the performance results on this website interesting and useful.

To ensure we are reporting data that are meaningful and useful to you - the residents of King County - my office will initiate a public engagement process in 2008 to obtain feedback about this website and related performance measure reports.

I am proud of all that we have accomplished to date, as we continue to advance the transparency and accountability of King County government.

Ron Sims

Sims' provocative stat

  • Average life expectancy for King County residents born between 2003 and 2005: 80.7 years
  • Number of those years that will be spent in good health: 72.5

Related Links

King County performance report wins national award


King County AIMs High: Annual Indicators and Measures
To see a PDF version of our report, click here to download.