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Waste Water Ordinance Strengthened by Water Utility Authority Board Approval

City Councilor Michael Cadigan said "Water conservation is easier to accomplish, both financially and practically, in the design and construction of new buildings than it is through the retrofitting of existing buildings. That is why new construction should therefore be held to a higher conservation standard."

The Albuquerque/Bernalillo County Water Utility Authority adopted stringent new water conservation standards for new home construction last night. The bill, sponsored by Albuquerque City Councilor Michael Cadigan passed by a 4-2 vote with Councilor Trudy Jones and Commissioner Tim Cummins opposed.

The following are the new water conservation requirements for new construction. New residential construction must be designed to achieve a maximum water use of 180 gallons per household per day. In order to meet 180 gallons per household per day standard:

  • All toilets must meet the standards of being high-efficiency toilets.
  • Evaporative coolers must be recirculating and have low voltage thermostats and two-speed blowers
  • Non-native grasses can not be installed on slopes greater than 5:1, in areas smaller than 10 feet in any dimension where spray irrigation is used.
  • All new homes under 2500 square feet must use rain barrels to supplement irrigation.
  • Homes over 2500 feet must have rain collection cisterns.


Also, any new construction of multi-family dwelling units, manufactured home rental community, mobile home parks and condominiums must provide for submetering of each dwelling unit or rental unit for the measurement of the quantity of water consumed by future occupants. This allows apartment dwellers to monitor their water use more carefully.

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