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Resource Ecology and Ecosystem Modeling - Home

The Resource Ecology and Ecosystem Modeling Task at the Alaska Fisheries Science Center focuses on the collection and analysis of data relating to trophic interactions in the North Pacific and incorporation of these data into environmental assessments and single-species and multispecies models. Systematic collection and analysis of groundfish food habits data is performed. Data on size-at-age is integrated with bioenergetic information to estimate food consumption rates by fish populations. Information on marine mammal and bird diet is obtained from other Center programs or outside researchers. Quantifying food web linkages is essential to increase our understanding of how external forces such as fishing may cause unanticipated shifts in ecosystem composition. The importance of this research is also elevated given the increasing emphasis on fishery-mammal interactions: groundfish predation interactions are an important part of knowing the true nature of resource availability to mammals and birds.

Stomach samples are collected at virtually no cost to the program, utilizing fishery observers and existing assessment cruises for collection platforms. Samples are analyzed in the laboratory and entered into a food habits database. These data allow assessment of factors influencing individual species food habits, including interannual changes. Predation effects by groundfish populations are then quantified and incorporated into assessment models.

Recent Publications, Poster Presentations, Reports & Activities

  • A summary of seabird bycatch from 1993-2004(.pdf, 407KB) reports the estimated bycatch rates and numbers for select species groups
  • Model Results: MSVPA MSM
  • Ecosystems Considerations SAFE Presentation to the SSC (.ppt, 14.3MB)
  • Final Ecosystem Considerations for 2006 (.pdf, 10MB) for the North Pacific Groundfish Stock Assessment and Fishery Evaluation Report
  • Elucidating dynamic responses of North Pacific fish populations to climatic forcing: Influence of life-history strategy.
    YATSU, A., K. Y. AYDIN, J. R. KING, G. A. McFARLANE, S. CHIBA, K. TADOKORO, M. KAERIYAMA, and Y. WATANABE. 2008. Elucidating dynamic responses of North Pacific fish populations to climatic forcing: Influence of life-history strategy. Prog. Oceanogr. 77:252-268. 
  • Seabird attraction to trawler discards.
    ZADOR, S. G., and S. M. FITZGERALD. 2008. Seabird attraction to trawler discards. AFSC Processed Rep. 2008-06, 26 p. Alaska Fish. Sci. Cent., NOAA, Natl. Mar. Fish. Serv., 7600 Sand Point Way NE, Seattle WA 98115. (.pdf, 416KB). 
  • Effects of Space and Scale in the Food Web Structure of the Aleutian Archipelago.
    IVONNE ORTIZ, and KERIM AYDIN. 2007. Effects of Space and Scale in the Food Web Structure of the Aleutian Archipelago. AFSC Quarterly Report Feature (October-November-December 2007) 9 p. (.pdf, 2.75MB).  Online.
  • Research - Regulation - Operation, an Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Seabird Mitigation Requirements in the Alaskan Demersal Groundfish Longline Fleet
    Conference:  Pacific Seabird Group 35th Annual Meeting, Blaine, WA, Feb/Mar 2008
    (2008 poster, .pdf, 4.07MB)   Online.

  • Distribution and Feeding Ecology of Juvenile Walleye Pollock and Capelin in the Gulf of Alaska Relative to Local Hydrography and Zooplankton Distribution
    Conference:  Alaska Marine Science Symposium, Anchorage, AK, Jan 2008
    (2008 poster, .pdf, 1.64M)   Online.

  • Current Status and Historical Trend Indicators of Climate and Fishing Effects on the Bering Sea Ecosystem
    Conference:  GLOBEC Intl. Symposium on Climate Variability & Sub-Arctic Marine Ecosystems, Victoria, B.C., May 2005
    (2005 poster, .pdf, 817KB)   Online.

  • Fish Stomach Collection and Lab Analysis

  • Resource Ecology (EBS/AI sculpin life history)

  • Multispecies and Ecosystem Modeling

  • BSIERP Modeling Component FEAST

  • Seabird Research: 35th Annual Meeting of the Pacific Seabird Group

See the publications and poster databases for additional listings.


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