Box: Data Availability

This article presents summary estimates of gross product by industry prices and unit costs. Price indexes and real GPO estimates for detailed industries for 1977–96 and current-dollar GPO estimates for 1947–96 are available on the Internet on BEA's home page at "". They are also available online to subscribers to STAT-USA's Economic Bulletin Board (call 202–482–1986), or to STAT-USA's Internet site at "".

In addition, the following estimates are available from BEA on diskettes:

To order using Visa or MasterCard, call the BEA Order Desk at 1–800–704–0415 (outside the United States, call (202) 606–9666). To order by mail, send a check payable to "Bureau of Economic Analysis, BE-53," to BEA Order Desk, Bureau of Economic Analysis, BE-53, U.S. Department of Commerce, Washington, DC 20230.