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PPQ Manuals

Treatment Manual 08/2008-27

Notice of Suspension of Tarpless Container Fumigations

The Complete Treatment Manual (PDF; 7.88Mb) [Latest Update: 08/12/08]

Title Page (PDF; 55Kb) [Latest Update: 03/25/04]

Table of Contents (PDF; 103Kb) [Latest Update: 01/15/08]

List of Figures (PDF; 61Kb) [Latest Update: 03/25/04]

List of Tables (PDF; 74Kb) [Latest Update: 01/15/08]

1-1 Introduction (PDF; 61Kb) [Latest Update: 10/24/02]

2-1 Chemical Treatment--Overview (PDF; 29Kb) [Latest Update: 10/24/02]

2-2 Chemical Treatment--Fumigants (PDF; 57Kb) [Latest Update: 10/24/02]

2-3 Chemical Treatment--Fumigants--Methyl Bromide (PDF; 88Kb) [Latest Update: 03/13/08]

2-4 Chemical Treatment--Fumigants--Methyl Bromide--Tarpaulin Fumigation (PDF; 379Kb) [Latest Update: 03/13/08]

2-5 Chemical Treatment--Fumigants--Methyl Bromide--Chamber Fumigation (PDF; 117Kb) [Latest Update: 07/27/07]

2-6 Chemical Treatment--Fumigants--Methyl Bromide--Ship Fumigation (PDF; 152Kb) [Latest Update: 07/27/07]

2-7 Chemical Treatment--Fumigants--Methyl Bromide--Structure Fumigation (PDF; 160Kb) [Latest Update: 07/27/07]

2-8 Chemical Treatment--Fumigants--Methyl Bromide--Special Procedures for Containers Without a Tarpaulin (PDF; 294Kb) [Latest Update: 03/13/08]

2-9 Chemical Treatment--Fumigants--Sulfuryl Fluoride (PDF; 98Kb) [Latest Update: 07/27/07]

2-10 Chemical Treatment--Fumigants--Phosphine (PDF; 340Kb) [Latest Update: 07/27/07]

2-11 Chemical Treatment--Aerosols and Micronized Dust (PDF; 57Kb) [Latest Update: 10/24/02]

2-12 Chemical Treatment--Dips (PDF; 66Kb) [Latest Update: 10/24/02]

2-13 Chemical Treatment--Dusts (PDF; 21Kb) [Latest Update: 10/24/02]

2-14 Chemical Treatment-Sprays (PDF; 21Kb) [Latest Update: 10/24/02]

3-1 Non-chemical Treatment--Overview (PDF; 27Kb) [Latest Update: 10/24/02]

3-2 Non-chemical Treatment--Heat (PDF; 28Kb) [Latest Update: 05/05/08]

3-3 Non-chemical Treatment--Heat--Hot Water Immersion Treatment (PDF; 144Kb) [Latest Update: 07/30/08]

3-4 Non-chemical Treatment--Steam Treatment (PDF; 42Kb) [Latest Update: 10/24/02]

3-5 Non-chemical Treatment--Vapor Heat Treatment (PDF; 47Kb) [Latest Update: 05/05/08]

3-6 Non-chemical Treatment--Forced Heat Treatment (PDF; 100Kb) [Latest Update: 05/05/08]

3-7 Non-chemical Treatment--Cold Treatment (PDF; 191Kb) [Latest Update: 03/24/06]

3-8 Non-chemical Treatment--Irradiation (PDF; 78Kb) [Latest Update: 03/23/07]

4-1 Residue Monitoring--Overview (PDF; 32Kb) [Latest Update: 08/12/08]

4-2 Residue Monitoring--Samples (PDF; 56Kb) [Latest Update: 08/12/08]

5-1 Treatment Schedules Index (PDF; 24Kb) [Latest Update: 03/23/07]

5-2 T100--Schedules for Fruit, Nuts, and Vegetables (PDF; 889Kb) [Latest Update: 08/12/08]

5-3 T200--Schedules for Propagative Plant Material (PDF; 455Kb) [Latest Update: 10/24/02]

5-4 T300--Schedules for Miscellaneous Plant Products (PDF; 339Kb) [Latest Update: 01/15/08]

5-5 T400--Schedules for Miscellaneous Products (PDF; 577Kb) [Latest Update: 07/27/07]

5-6 T500--Schedules for Plant Pests or Pathogens (PDF; 194Kb) [Latest Update: 10/24/02]

5-7 T600--Controlled Atmosphere Temperature Treatment System (CATTS) Schedules (PDF; 194Kb) [Latest Update: 01/15/08]

6-1 Certifying Facilities--Overview (PDF; 37Kb) [Latest Update: 10/24/02]

6-2 Certifying Facilities--Certification of Vacuum Fumigation Chambers (PDF; 60Kb) [Latest Update: 07/27/07]

6-3 Certifying Facilities--Certification of Atmospheric Fumigation Chambers (PDF; 145Kb) [Latest Update: 11/21/07]

6-4 Certifying Facilities---Certification of Cold Treatment (PDF; 90Kb) [Latest Update: 07/27/07]

6-5 Certifying Facilities---Hot Water Immersion Facilities (PDF; 123Kb) [Latest Update: 01/11/07]

6-6 Certifying Facilities---Forced Hot Air and Vapor Heat Treatment Facilities (PDF; 83Kb) [Latest Update: 10/24/02]

6-7 Certifying Facilities---Certification of Niger Seed Treatment Facilities (PDF; 59Kb) [Latest Update: 03/23/07]

6-8 Certifying Facilities--Certification of Irradiation Treatment Facilities (PDF; 118Kb) [Latest Update: 03/23/07]

6-9 Certifying Facilities--Certification of Firewood Heat Treatment Facilities (PDF; 64Kb) [Latest Update: 11/21/07]

7-1 Emergency Aid and Safety---Fumigation Exposure (PDF; 78Kb) [Latest Update: 07/27/07]

7-2 Emergency Aid and Safety---Pesticide Exposure (PDF; 66Kb) [Latest Update: 10/24/02]

7-3 Emergency Aid and Safety---Guidelines for Managing Pesticide Spills (PDF; 151Kb) [Latest Update: 10/24/02]

7-4 Emergency Aid and Safety--Hazard Communication and Material Safety Data Sheets (PDF; 109Kb) [Latest Update: 10/24/02]

8-1 Equipment (PDF; 314Kb) [Latest Update: 01/15/08]

9-1 Glossary (PDF; 33Kb) [Latest Update: 10/24/02]

Appendix A--Forms (PDF; 678Kb) [Latest Update: 08/12/08]

Appendix B--Coast Guard Regulations (PDF; 74Kb) [Latest Update: 10/24/02]

Appendix C--Maintenance:Supporting and Updating Manuals (PDF; 97Kb) [Latest Update: 03/23/07]

Appendix D--Conversion Tables (PDF; 52Kb) [Latest Update: 10/24/02]

Appendix E--Directory of Treatment Facilities (PDF; 28Kb) [Latest Update: 11/21/07]

Appendix F--List of Integral Containers Approved for Intransit Cold Treatment (PDF; 28Kb) [Latest Update: 03/13/08]

Appendix G--List of Vessels Equipped for Intransit Cold Treatment (PDF; 29Kb) [Latest Update: 03/13/08]

Appendix H--Reference Guide to Commercial Suppliers of Treatment and Related Safety Equipment (PDF; 427Kb) [Latest update: 07/30/08]

Index (PDF; 1,014Kb) [Latest Update: 05/05/08]

Comment Sheet (PDF; 643Kb) [Latest Update: 10/24/02]


Last Modified: August 12, 2008