Big Questions for TWINS A & B

TWINS will provide stereo imaging of the Earth's magnetosphere, the region surrounding the planet controlled by its magnetic field and containing the Van Allen radiation belts and other energetic charged particles. This mission is part of SMD's Explorers Program. This mission is part of SMD's Heliophysics Explorers program. These missions were awarded via the Missions of Opportunity program.

What are the fundamental physical processes of the space environment?

The sun, interplanetary space, planetary magnetospheres, and most of the rest of the universe are made up of plasma, which is an electrically-charged gas. Because they are plasma, electro-magnetic forces are extremely important. There is a tight coupling between the matter (in the form of sub-atomic particles) and the electric and magnetic fields. Motion of plasma in the sun generates the solar magnetic field, and the magnetic stresses built up are what cause the sun to vary. Magnetic reconnection, a rapid reconfiguration of the magnetic field, can accelerate matter up to very high energies and make hazardous radiation. Other more gradual processes can also accelerate particles up to hazardous energies. Understand the intricate interplay between matter and electro-magnetism in the space environment is what requires a system-level study that we call Heliophysics.